Dinner time

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The couple sat across from Shizuo. He stared deeply at Izumi. Something about her felt off and she reminded him of something or someone but he couldn't figure out who. He sighed and brought his attention to his food. He began to eat. They all sat in uncomfortable silence.

"What's your name kid?"

Izumi flinched.

"U-Um...Kurumi...Saito!" She smiled acting nervous. Mitsou smirked in his head. Izumi so smart and talented.. He thought and took a bite out of his food.

"So Kurumi, how did you meet my brother?"

"W-Well..I was walking through school  one day and I was told to carry books to another classroom. My class didn't want to help me thinking it was a trick so I had to carry the heavy books all by myself. Then when I got to the classroom. I opened the door and tripped. The books went flying and I was expecting to hit the ground but Mitsou caught me. He asked if I was ok and I told him I was. He then helped me carry the books around the classroom to hand out. After that we hung out more and exchanged phone numbers." Izumi beamed. That story wasn't completely false. There was slight truth. But that's not how they met.

Shizuo nodded. "How long have you two been dating?"

"Hmm..about a year now."

"A year!"

"Yep we just celebrated our anniversary a couple months ago! But it was over video call."


"Oh! I moved away so I had to video call him."

Shizuo nodded again. "I hear about you all the time but how come I never seen you until now." Shizuo asked staring at her hair color.

"W-well to be honest, I like to keep a low profile. Since I'm nervous about meeting new people." Izumi chuckled. She began to eat her food. Mitsou also began to eat again. When they were almost done, Shizuo pulled out his cigarette box and placed a cigarette between his lips.

"Have you two had sex before." The couple's eyes widened and they began to choke on their food. When the recovered they both blushed. "W-Well.."  Izumi said squirming.

"Y-Yes we have." Mitsou said and smiled at her. Shizuo glared at Izumi slightly then sighed. "I'll be back." He said and went outside to smoke. Izumi sighed. "I can't believe I actually blushed! It's been a minute hasn't it Mitso-chan~" Izumi said seductively next to him. She traced shapes on his biceps. Mitsou wasn't really stacked, but he wasn't a weakling either. He had some muscle just not a lot and Izumi liked it that way.

Mitsou smirked. "Yes it has Princess~" He whispered back. He leaned over and kissed her lovingly. Izumi kissed him back. Mitsou placed a hand on her cheek. Izumi smiled into the kiss. Being with or even around Mitsou made her so happy she didn't know what to feel. Izumi's phone buzzed. She sighed and looked at it. "Now what did we have here?" She asked. The girl that she harassed earlier today was sneaking into the Yellow Scarves' hideout.

Izumi patted herself on the back for placing a camera and a bug on her clothes. Both items she created herself. The girl found the man she was using to cheat with and tapped him. Izumi grew bored of them talking and decided to scan the area. Her eyes widened and she smirked. "This city is full of surprises." She chuckled. Mitsou gave her a confused look and she pointed to Masaomi. He was sitting higher up then everyone else meaning he was the boss.

"Why do they have a high school student boss?" She asked. She then shrugged. "Whatever. This seems like a good place to put my things." She smirked. Izumi saved the exact location for later and sighed.

"The fun is just getting started." She winked at Mitsou. He smirked and kissed her forehead. She checked her other phone and sighed.

Text message from: ZaZa

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