Only Her(edited)

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Sorry for any errors, no one is perfect and I hope you enjoy reading.


"Do you want a glass of water?" Hania asked nicely, a worrying hint of a smile on her face, and I just nodded, taking the water in my right hand and feeling the warmth of her kindness.

She had gone over with me every horrifying detail of how they had found me so far and how, due to the terrible injuries that were still visible on some parts of my terrified body, I had only recently regained consciousness, about a month ago. When I attempted to move my left hand, which was still extremely painful from the incident, I wrenched severely. I hope the pain will not last for a very long time. "Ahlam, are you okay?" Hania inquired, "Would you like me to get you anything for the pain?" "It is okay, Hania, I just took some painkillers a while ago," I replied sadly.

I set my now-empty glass down on the little round glass table next to the purple lounger I was sitting on, and she told me, lovingly, "You are part of our family now Ahlam and we are going to be here for you always."

With the utmost gratitude, I gazed up at her and thanked Allah (God has willed it) for putting me in such a wonderful, loving family.

"Go to bed now; you need to relax... Oh! By the way," she chirped happily, "we have a guest coming home tomorrow who has been away for six years, and we have so much to do," she told me, carefully watching my reaction. I raised my brow in perplexity, but she simply smiled, and I did not ask her anything else.

"It is a guy, if you are wondering," she replied, and my hands began to shake with fear as it reminded me of everything that had happened.

Guys were untrustworthy; they were constantly harassing girls, but were all guys the same?
"Okay, look, just breathe and relax. "Breathe in and out, relax," she tried to calm me down as I closed my eyes.

I had not realized a tear had fallen from my eyes until I felt her hand wipe it away.

I miss my family—my parents and my brother. Why did Allah take them from me? Why did he save me? Who saved me from that traumatic accident?

"Please tell him to stay away from me, Hania; I will do my best to lower my gaze and even never come face to face with him, which I know will be difficult living under one roof, but please, I beg of you, please help me with this request," I begged, and she agreed with a suspicious smile.

Hania knew it would be impossible to avoid; she was familiar with her brother's loving nature and charm.

When there are two people in a room, a man and a woman, the third person is Shaytan (the devil or evil spirit).

Changing the subject, which I can only assume was to calm me down, she inquired with interest, "Tell me about yourself Ahlam, and how you and your family were before everything happened." After a long period of hesitation, I told her what I remembered, and she warmly comforted me by hugging me like a sister would hug another sister, and I thought to myself, "I love this girl," and knew we were going to be very close.

"Hania, please promise me that this stays between us," I said calmly. She solemnly agreed. Even her parents were unaware of my past, despite the fact that they loved me like their own daughter. I simply was not ready to share details about my past with them or anyone else at the time - except Hania, who appeared different, trustworthy, and someone I knew I could completely trust.

When I was left alone, I stood up from the comfort of the lounger and tugged back my long sleeves, staring down at my completely exposed bruised hands.

They were the reason I wore long sleeves regardless of the temperature outside.

I looked in the mirror and noticed that my once bright gray eyes had turned pale, blank, and lifeless due to constant crying. The day of the unforgettable accident left my cheekbones sore and swollen from the inside, and my once-profound smile vanished.

I felt uneasy and anxious as I traced every part of my face with my fingers; I was no longer attractive; all I saw in the mirror was a common face staring back at me from the crowd. How could the family who took me in, the girl who said she was like my sister, stand to see me every day?

Ya Allah, why is there so much negativity in my heart? Why do I feel so weak when there are people going through so much worse and they manage to be strong?
"Because you no longer pray" I turned around in shock, but no one was there when I heard the voice. It was all in my head.

Gazing at the prayer mat, I did something that I had not done since the accident: I went and performed ablution, prayed two Rakats of Namaz, and expressed my gratitude to Allah for my newfound health and my incredibly loving family.

I prayed to Allah to grant me and others who are suffering much strength, and to grant sabr (endurance and patience) to those whose loved ones have departed. Ameen. When I finished praying, I felt relieved because I looked at the time and saw that it was 11 p.m.

I looked at the ceiling, wondering who this guy was and wondering what might happen tomorrow. I was also thinking about how to avoid this guy who was supposed to be coming.

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