Chapter 10

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Laura POV

Today is going to be the best day of my life. Im going on a date with Ross! I think today will be awesome or should i say Rossome... wait what. Where did i get that from!?

Knock knock.

Laura: Oh thats Ross

Ross: Hey Laura you look beautiful.

Laura: Thank you Ross you look like my boyfriend... and cute

Ross: Thanks

Laura: So where are we going?

Ross: Cafe Delicias

Laura: Sounds Romantic

Ross: Okay enough with the chatting lets go

Laura: Alright alright.

As we arrived at the resturant looked modern like olive garden. I ordered a spanish dish while Ross ordered an american dish.

Ross: Just saying the date is on me.

Laura: Okay

Oh my Ross just spilled his drink.

Ross: Are you serious...(face turning red.)

Laura: Are you okay

Laura: Wait let me help you with that. Give me the towel.

The worst part was that he spilled the drink on his pants O.o

Ross: (cursing under his breath)

Laura: There you go.

Ross: Uh thanks

Laura: No problem

Ross: So i see your birthday is in a few more days.

Laura: Yeah

Ross: So what do you want for your birthday. Anything special?

Laura: Yea i would like a... you know what , im gonna let you decide on that. You should


Ross: Okay

Ross POV

The funny part is that i can ask her dad or mom or sister. But i shouldnt because i got the perfect gift for her.

Laura: So do you want to go home now? Or should we do a little shopping.

Ross: Lets go shopping

Laura: Alright

We arrived at a jewelry store and i looked at something beautiful for Laura but not more beautifuller than that dress. Should i buy it for her or should i come back. Either way im also gonna buy her jewelry to go with the dress. And..... well you get what i mean.

Laura: Oh my gosh Ross i love that dress over there .

That was the dress i was talking about.

Ross: Well okay lets go.

Laura: Whats wrong

Ross: Nothing. Why?

Laura: Were leaving

Ross: Oh its because....... i dont want to walk around in my pants

Laura: Eww you want to take it off?

Ross: No its because of the stain and whats wrong with taking off my pants i have underwear on.

Laura: Ugh. Whatever. Lets go home

Ross: Your house or my house?

Laura: Lets go to your house

Ross: Okay

Laura: Ross i have to tell you something.

Ross: What is it

Laura: I really love you and i wish i can stay with you

Ross: Laura i love you to but sometimes we.just have to move on

Laura: But i dont want to break up with you because your the best. We hang out together. We do everything together.

I just love when she says together

Ross: I know. Look, why dont you come to my concert on your last day here.

Laura: Its a deal

Ross POV

Yes! Its my time to kiss her.

Laura POV

He kissed me. YES! Did i just say that out loud?

Ross: I love you too (hugging)


The dating part i got a little help from @KitKat301. Thank you.

Anyway who loves this story?

Reply below so i can give you a shout out. :*)


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