Chapter 7

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Laura POV

I still dont know what to tell Ross. I need to tell him before we leave but i know he will be sad and when hes sad i feel sad and i dont want to feel sad in Italy. This is really hard i dont know what to do or what to say. As i arrived home from the hospital i saw the tickets on my dresser table. I feel like tomorrow we are leaving but I never told Ross about it.

Dad: Hi hunny how was grandma and why are you crying?

I had 2 reasons for crying one it was because of grandma and two its about Ross.

Laura: I was crying because grandmas results were bad. The doctor said she cant eat so shes needs this catether thing to make food to go into her body.

Dad: Oh but is she feeling okay though?

Laura: Yeah dad shes fine.

I got my journal out and all the pages were filled with pictures of me and Ross. I am sure gonna miss him. As i stood there i thinked of what i am gonna tell Ross. I think i should say this after history class. "Ross i need to tell you something, in 24 days i will be leaving California to go to Italy because my dad got accepted to a job. I will miss you alot just stay strong and don' t be sad for the last 24 days i will see you. I want this to be my best last days with you." Was that good? Good im going to tell him tomorrow. Wait should i ask my sister or my best friend Rydel if its good. Im gonna ask Rydel if its good because she knows Ross better than my sister.

On the phone:

Rydel: Hello?

Laura: Hey its me Laura

Rydel: Oh hey,whats up

Laura: Im leaving to go to Italy because my dad got accepted to a job and i want to know if this is what i should tell him

Rydel: Wait a second. Your leaving! And go ahead.

Laura: Yea i am

Rydel: OK go ahead

Laura: Im gonna tell him this after history class

Rydel: For the last time Go ahead!

Laura: Ross i need to tell you something, in 24 days i will be leaving California to go to Italy because my dad got accepted to a new job. I will miss you alot just stay strong and dont be sad for the last 24 days i will see you. I want this to be my best last days with you.

Rydel: Laura did you practice or something that was perfect!

Laura: Thanks and i will tell him tomorrow and you may tell Riker and Rocky about this and tell them not to tell Ross

Rydel: Okay i guess ill see you tomorrow at History. Bye

Laura: Bye and thank you.

Rydel: No problem

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