Chapter 1

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Ross' POV;

Today's the day, the day i see Laura! You see, she's my best friend... Heck, we like each other. Scratch that. Love each other. So, we're dating, actually. But, anyways, i get up from bed and go downstairs to see mom and my sister already up. "Good morning" I say sitting on the couch, next to Rydel, my sister. "Morning, stinky breath" She replied smirking. "Question, if we always brush our teeth before we go to bed, then why does our breath stink in the morning?" I ask my sister as i stand up and walk to my chair. She looks back at me, with a weird face. "I dunno, ask Albert Einstein"

She was rude to me, im gonna be rude to her. "Where do you get all that make-up from? Clown School?" She rolls her eyes while I smirk.

"Sweetie, could you please wake up your brothers? They're gonna be late for school" My mom said. Rydel looks at me and says, "Ross?"

"No way, last time i did it, Rocky hit me in the face with a bat" I shook my head, while Rydel sighs. "Yea, well, Rocky... I don't wanna go to Rocky's room. His room stinks like there has rotten food, which im guessing he does have, in his room! Ain't no way im going in there!" She says turning back to the TV.

I chuckle, remembering the first time Laura went in there. Let's just say, she had to sleep outside for a week.

"Bye! Leaving!" I say as i grab my bag and went out the door. "Mom?" Rydel asked. "Let him be, let him be" Mom said patting her back. I bursted through the front door again and ran upstairs. Truth is, im in boxers.

I took a shower, and changed. I grab a velvet box from the table, and ran outside. You see, today's the first day of school, AND i get to see my girlfriend.

I get out of the house, and go straight to Laura's house. When i got there, i knock on the door.

Hey! This first chapter was by @KitKat301, next chapter, by my friend, Aryanna. :)

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