Chapter 32

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Ross POV
Well Laura stayed over for the night...again. This always happens. When she comes over for a visit, she always ends up sleeping right next to me, in the same spot, everytime. But im not saying its a bad thing because i really like her and when im saying this i mean i really reall really really like her. You know what? I dont even like her. I love her. Oops, i just said i loved her out loud

Laura: Who are you talking to?!

Ross: Well I was talking to you..

Laura: Oh, you just woke me up too... what time is it?

Ross: Its 2 in the morning.. (i let out a humongous yawn)

Laura: Oh wow..

Ross: Yep....

Laura: Well im gonna go back to sleep so good night again.

Ross: Same to you.

I really love her.

Mark: Ross!

Ross: Yes dad?

Mark: Can you help me with something right quick?

Ross: Yea sure. What is it? (walking out the room , closing the door)

Mark: Well i just wanted to tell you that its your choice for the rest of your life.

Ross: What do you mean?

Mark: It means that you decide now, not me or mom or anyone.

Ross: So i can decide if i want to propose to Laura or not?

Mark: Exactly.

Ross: Oh okay. Thanks dad

Mark: But first i have to test you.

Ross: Okay...


Hey again! Its me Aryanna...'')

What do you think Mark will do to test Ross?

Anyways who loved the music video for ''Lets Not Be Alone Tonight''?

It was amazing wasnt it?

Anyways i need you guys to vote for #TeamRallison by calling 855-234-5608

That would be amazing because we need to make them win! '')

Anyways ill see you guys next Monday bye!

Please read ''Just A Crush'' if you want to know about my life. Its Raura version and im Laura and Kitkat is Rydel. '')

Im just in love with this emoji '')

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