Chapter 20

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Laura POV

I cant wait to go to the concert. But i will be sad too. Because im leaving on that day.....  I really dont want to leave tomorrow. I really dont want to. 

Vanessa: Laura, you okay?

Laura: Im fine

Vanessa: You look sad 

Laura: I know. Its because we're leaving tomorrow.

Vanessa: Laura, it okay. You can talk to him over the phone and you can Skype him too.

Laura: I like talking to him in public. 

Vanessa: Laura, you know however bad your feeling right now, he is gonna feel way worse when you remind him about it.

Laura: Thanks...

// Ring Ring //

Laura: Ross is calling me. Hold on...

Vanessa: Okay.

(On the phone) L= Laura  R=Ross

L: Hello?

R: Hi its me.

L= Oh hi, whats up?

R= Im good i just called to see if your feeling okay.

L= Oh yea i am. Im just really disconsolate because im leaving tomorrow.

R= Oh yea

L= Yea

R= You ready for our concert tomorrow?

L= I am

R= Laura, always remember i will always love you forvever. You dont have to be sad. Soon, everyone will love you as much as i do.

L= Thanks.

R= No problem. Anyway i gotta go prepare for the concert so bye.

L= Bye I love you

R= Love you too bye.

(End of call)

Vanessa: Your relationship with him is fine so dont worry.


What do you think Vanessa is gonna do now? Is she up to something?


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