Chapter 42

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Laura POV

Well, Ross is sleeping and guess what? I can watch Game of Thrones!!!! Yay! Im so smart.......and weird.

Flight attendant: Hi, would you like something to eat or drink?

Laura: Umm I guess ill take a Coke please.

Flight attendant: (gives Laura the drink)

Laura: Thank you so much

Flight attendant: Your quite welcome

Ross: Laura?

Laura: Yes Ross? (quickly changing back to Breaking Bad)

Ross: Uhh how long have I been asleep?/

Laura: Ummm for like 30 minutes.....I think, why?

Ross: So you can tell me what happened on Breaking Bad..

Laura: Oh uhh I wasn't really paying attention but...I kinda know what happened and I forgot

Ross: Wait what?! You've been watching it without me? You're so sweet Laura, I love you...

Laura: Yes I was watching it without you (laughs)

Ross: Well just because of that, we can watch Game Of Thrones together.

And that is how you get what you want... '')

Ross: Laura where'd you get that drink from? Dont tell me the flight attendant just passed when I woke up....

Laura: The flight attendant just passed when you woke up....

Ross: Oh my god! Why didn't you wake me up!

Laura: One, language! Two, Ross be quiet, people are sleeping....

Ross: Oh sorry about that O.o

Laura: Wait is that Ryland over there?

Ross: Where?

Laura: Over there!



Hey guys! Its Aryanna again. I hope you loved this really short chapter. Do you think that person is actually Ryland or no. Comment below...

R5 Family, dont forget to vote for Riker and Allison on DWTS by voting on, , and you can call them at 855-234-5608...

We need them to win and help them get out of Jeopardy. You guys HAVE to vote for them. They are to amazing. If you dont vote, i dont know what to say but, PLEASE VOTE!!!!!!! 

Anyways ill see you on Saturday in the story ''Just A Crush'' and if you want to know about me and my best friend/life, you should read it so BYE!


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