Chapter 3

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Laura POV

When i got home it was wierd but my dad came home early from work.

Damiano (Dad): Hey sweetie,how was school?

Laura: It was good and why are you home so early?

Damiano: Well, I got accepted to a new job-


Damiano: You never let me finish. The job is in Italy.

Laura: Wait we're leaving California!

Damiano: Yeah, but we'll have fun over there.        

Laura: Well, Dad

I raced into my room hoping to slam the door but my dog was in the way. How am i supposed to tell Ross about this. I don't wan't to break-up with him... He's my life. That's why he wrote Cali girls ...he was writing it for me.

Ellen(mom): Hunny? Are you alright?

Laura: No, Mom since Dad and us are moving, what about my relationship with Ross?

Ellen: I'm sure you'll find another guy... hopefully

Laura: But, i love him more than anyone else.

Now i feel like crying.


Sorry everyone this chapter is very short.

Who loves the new song '' Smile''? I DO! 

When it first came out on November 14th, that night i was waiting until i fell asleep!

But its a very good song. You guys should listen to it.


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