Chapter 15

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You followed curiously after Bepo and shachi ,the two of them arguing with each other as they lead you to their hide out, you see Bepo being the Adroble nice polar bear he was suggested of showing you the heart pirates secret base while shachi absolutely denied saying they could not bring an intruder but in the end it seemed he did have to show who the intruder was to the Captain so Bepo won which you cheered for.

"Y/N~Y/N~ " Bepo called you ,snapping your head towards him you hummed in question.

"Hm?" You asked walking besides him

Bepo introduced his friend cheerfully " Y/N this is my crew mate Shachi" he pointed his paw towards the man beside him with a closed eye smile.

You nodded grinning " well Hello shachi ,I'm Y/N" you greeted gettting a "Tch" from the said man as he stared ahead while walking.

Bepo gave you an apologetic look as you shurged your shoulders and gave him a smile.

The Base turned out to be at the opposite way of the herb forests  entrance ,a bit far away opposite from the forest entrance there was a cave well hidden a bit below a hill which looked like a plain from above at the tip where the herb forest was which you initially thought was a plain ground ,their base was in the underground with long wide tunnels and a lot of space ,they even had metal doors at the entrance of the cave which worked perfectly hidden well behind vines and some tree roots.

You admired the long tunnel cave and all the stuff mostly white Medical stuff which seemed to be messly organized here and there.

After walking with them for a while through the tunnel, shachi finally seemed to warm up a bit to you, He joked and insulted you playfully while laughing and smiling Bepo joining in on the merry mood as you also joined along joking with them.

A Man wearing an identical white jumpsuit like shachi with PENGUIN written on his black hat shadowing/covering half his face came towards the three of you hurriedlyas he seemed to ignore your and Bepos presence as he half yelled at Shachi " what took you so long?! Captain sent you out hours ago to get Bepo?! And now you come do you realize how long you've kept caption waiting?"

Shachi seemed to shudder Glooming as he thought about His Captain and what his friend said right now.

The Angry man instantly turned sideways walking towards Bepo as he finished ,pointing at him "And you! Bepo!where the hell have you been for the past four hours!? You worried the whole crew and the Captain you know!" He said accusingly as Bepo kept his paws together looking down guilty as he sweatdroped nodding while he apologized " sorry,sorry"

You stood there tilting your head as you watched shachi shudder and sulk in his corner while Bepo bowed apologizing furiously to the angry man.

The man sighed weaving his hand as if tired of everything at Bepo to make him stop apologizing as he seemed to finally notice you as he pointed his finger at you like how shachi did before, they sure seem to like pointing, he rudely exclaimed" who is this!?"

You sweatdroped as he looked down at you with a frown ,shachi and Bepo snapping their head towards you.

Shachi sighed slinging his arm around his friend,Bapo smiling as he happily introduced you " This is Y/N and Y/N this is Penguin"

You rubbed your neck giving an awarkward smile " Hello..?"

Penguin frowned at you holding his temples sighing again,Shachi still with his arm slung at Penguins shoulder sulked saying helplessly " My dude ,I'm so Dead"

Penguin getting angry at what he said snapped at him " Than get there over to Captain and get this over with" he turned back at you frowning again as he scowled and began leading the way " Come on"

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