|8| Muzan Kibutsuji

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Even at nightfall, people find themselves unable to sleep with all the commotion outside of their home's vicinity. Initially, they plan to storm outside of their own homes to tone down the noise. Yet, they heard some noises which sounded like a demon would sound like. As much as they don't want to get involved in something that would probably get themselves killed, they retreated in their homes and locked every entrances in hope of not getting the demons inside of their houses.

A swift axe kick by Nezuko slammed down on the ground hard and caused a small fissure to form. The demon that was once on the ground was gone before she even landed that kick. The other demon chuckled before descending into the ground. nezuko tried to go after him.

"Nezuko! Don't chase after him! Get back here! Come to me." Tanjiro yelled after her and she complied. She begins to return for them when a dark puddle reappeared in front of her.

"Watch out!" BoBoiBoy dashed to her and sliced off the demon's arm that was about to grab her legs after Nezuko front flipped into the air. With sequential slices from BoBoiBoy to the demon, the demon forced to step back and regenerated his lost limbs back.

They taken this as a distraction for them to return to Tanjiro and Kazumi. "Are you two alright?"

BoBoiBoy wiped the blood off of his head. "We're okay. Nezuko seems fine on her own."

Tanjiro was relieved to hear that. "Listen, you two need to protect Mr. Kazumi and the young woman. I'll take them on by myself."

"Are you nuts!?" BoBoiBoy argued. "You can't do this all on your own!"

"I know but—"

BoBoiBoy cut him off. "Remember what Mr. Urokodaki said; Nezuko is a demon now and that she's not necessarily so weak that you have to protect her. If she can take on a demon by herself, then so do we."

Tanjiro processed this to what he told him. It made sense that Nezuko can now hold her ground against the demons. She proved it to them by protecting them from their first encounter with the two demons these last few years. But still, he doubt Nezuko can handle herself against a demon that can go underwater. Thankfully BoBoiBoy is around to defend her from this.

He took his word from him.

"Alright. Watch my back and we'll get them."

He received an affirm nod from them both. "You got it."

Tanjiro stepped forward, only for him to nearly step on the puddle of black water. He jumped back from nearly entering this puddle. Unbeknownst to them, another black puddle swerved its way around and tried to attack Nezuko. Nezuko dodged the attack from the demon that came out from the black puddle. Following up by this, BoBoiBoy delivered his blade straight to the demon's chest and the demon spat out blood.

"Guys!" Tanjiro called them out worriedly. Before he can go to them, his eyes caught on the black puddle below him. 

"Hey guys, I'm going underground!" That statement almost caused BoBoiBoy to shout at him.

"That's suicidal! You're taking a risk on yourself!"

"I know." Tanjiro reasoned him with this. "But I need to do this. If not, then there will be no end to this."

BoBoiBoy stumbled on his next words before he reluctantly agreed with it.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Tanjiro. But before that, you need more back-up."

BoBoiBoy closes his eyes and channeled his breathing until it became clear and stable. After 15 days of them residing in Urokodaki's home, BoBoiBoy has been practicing non-stop to bring out  his other elemental styled breathing techniques. How happy he was that he can finally split after two years. Even Tanjiro and Urokodaki were very surprised when they found out that he can split into multiple copies of himself.

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