|26| Hashira Meeting

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Nezuko continues to stare at the slipping blood of Sanemi's forearm. There is something holding Nezuko back from lunging at the forearm and give it a good bite out of it. Doing so will completely debunk everything Oyakata, Tanjiro, and BoBoiBoy had said.

"What's the matter, demon? Come on! You know you want it." Sanemi urged her on. Nezuko growled even louder.

With every Hashira present, the eager ones are still planting their sights to the two people behind Oyakata and the twins so that they'll know if Nezuko is truly what the letter and their statements says she is. The stoic ones already knew the outcome of this or probably expected a fortuitous result.

Iguro tightens his strength to dig the two boys deeper to the ground, much to their pained expressions and grunts.

"Iguro, you're digging into them too hard. Ease up a bit please." Shinobu asked Iguro to lighten his restraints.

"I'm only holding them down because they're trying to move." Iguro replied casually. Both Tanjiro and BoBoiBoy were giving their best to get out of his iron grips. Bloodshot eyes and popping veins were present.

"Kamado, BoBoiBoy, if you use any Breathing Techniques while your lungs are being squeezed, your veins will burst." Shinobu explained.

"Their veins will burst!" Tengen liked the sound of that. "I like it! Sounds flamboyant! Come on! Start bursting!"

Mitsuri tilts her head at hearing Tengen saying that and worried what would happen to the boys. She is even more worried at the white-streaked haired boy since he looked like he's about to explode in rage.

"Poor souls... Such weak, pathetic children. Namu Amida Butsu." Gyomei said, still clasping his hands in a prayer.

Nezuko heavily breathes and veins bulges on the sides of her head and on her forehead. Blood seeped to the floor mat. She is having trouble keeping up with her resistance to hold back the urge to devour Sanemi. The latter cackled, almost having Nezuko right where he wants her to be.

Tanjiro and BoBoiBoy gave every ounce of their strength to get themselves free from the rope as well as from Iguro. With their yelling increasing in volume, they forcefully broke the rope that bound their hands.

Iguro acted out of surprise and lets them go. Giyu grabbed his arm and sweeped his leg away, giving the boys room to get a move on. They ran to the porch.

"Nezuko!" They said simultaneously to make sure their voice reached her.

Speaking of the Kamado demon, in her vision, the first thing she sees is the encounter between them and Giyu two years ago.

"She's my sister! She's my younger sister! Nezuko is different! Though I don't know how it happened!" A 13-year-old Tanjiro defended her against Giyu.

"Please listen to him! Don't kill his only family left!" She heard BoBoiBoy, 14 years of age, making a stand and stood beside Tanjiro.

The next scene in her perspective brings her in the kitchen with Tanjuro Kamado and Kie Kamado, Tanjiro and Nezuko's father and mother. They all looked at Nezuko while saying unheard words.

She found herself outside of their household. The breezing wind flew and cherry blossom trees blooming in this season. Shigeru ran around with Nezuko's haori holding in his hands. Rokuta clinging on to Nezuko asking if she wants to play with him. Takeo chased Shigeru playfully. Hanako tip-toing playfully then joins along with her siblings having fun.

"All humans are your family. Protect humans." Urokodaki's voice rang in her head.

Tanjiro lastly appears, waving over someone who is visiting them, BoBoiBoy. His face filled with genuine happiness while he is holding a basket filled with fruits. He puts them away and the two looked at the female Kamado with looks of positivity.

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