|4| Final Selection [Part 1]

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'The reason we won... was because we learned to detect the opening thread using our senses.' Tanjiro begins his narration. 'When we're battling someone, and I pick up this scent or if BoBoiBoy identified it using his hearing, sight, or even feeling it, then we can see the thread.'

The scene shows his blade's thread connected to Sabito's mask. 'The thread is connected from our blade to our opponent's opening, growing taut the instant we see it.

The scene repeats with them slicing off Sabito's mask in three pieces with quick precision.

'Our blades are drawn toward it with great force and then we slash the opening.'

Sabito's mask broke into three vertically. But in reality, the boulder that stood behind Sabito, was also sliced in the same manner.

The boys stood in front of the sliced boulder and were astounded to see them they have done it.

"We... we did it." BoBoiBoy quietly said in his deep voice. Tanjiro silently stared at the boulder.

Footsteps can be heard approaching and they turned around to see Mr. Urokodaki walking towards the sliced boulder.

"Mr. Urokodaki." Tanjiro is surprised to see him. Urokodaki can only stare at the boulder with revelation. He never expected them to take two years to finally did the test provided by him.

"I had no intention of sending you both to Final Selection." He said.

They looked at him with faces that are both tired and full of wonder. "W-Why?"

He answered. "I didn't want to see children die anymore."

'Anymore? Does that mean... he had other students besides us?' BoBoiBoy thought. He figured why Urokodaki let them take the test in the first place.

"I was sure you two wouldn't be able to slice this boulder, but..."

They both received a pat on the head courtesy by Urokodaki for a job well done.

"Well done, my boys! Tanjiro, BoBoiBoy, you're... you two are remarkable kids!"

Hearing him praising for all their hard work made both of them teary-eyed. BoBoiBoy sniffed and couldn't hold back his raw emotions. And later, both of them hugged Urokodaki.

"Make sure you both come back alive from Final Selection. Nezuko and I will be waiting for you two here."

They all returned to Urokodaki's house. Inside, Urokodaki is cooking some fried fish and a hot pot. The boys are now drooling for the food being prepared for them.

"What's the occasion? There's so much." Tanjiro asked.

"Oh man, I'm so hungry! I can't wait to dig in!" BoBoiBoy said with his mouth watered.

"You both have completed all your training, so we're celebrating." Urokodaki answered as he pour the hot pot's contents in two bowls. "Don't be shy. Eat up."

They wholeheartedly took the bowls from him. "Thank you very much!".

BoBoiBoy took his chopsticks and partially dug in his own meal. It took a few tries to have him get used to the chopsticks' uses as he accidentally slipped his hands but he finally learned to use them properly.

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