|30| Tsuguko, Yaya

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|Happy belated birthday to our wonderful Gravity Queen!|

|Special thanks to HaliRina, an amazing artist whom I asked permission for the art. Pls check out her Instagram, and thank you so much for borrowing your art!|

|Anyways, on to the story!|


Few days passed by rather quickly as the two boys absorbed themselves in their training. Tanjiro is still sticking to his methods of training while all in a while regaining back his lost strength and stamina from their previous mission.

BoBoiBoy, on the other hand, decided not to be brash about his methods and takes it a bit slower than usual. In his Penta Split, Second Tier forms enabled, they practiced non-stop with their breathing. Following the events that transpired a few days back, Cyclone and Thunderstorm are currently having a friendly spar against each other. They also made a vow not to do any catastrophical damage to the backyard anymore.

What happened last time had angered Shinobu.

"This feels familiar!" Thunderstorm dodged a kick by ducking his head down and followed up by a straight punch.

"I know, right?" Cyclone swerved his head at the side to avoid the incoming punch. He jumped away to gain distance between themselves.

"Remember that day when we were still little?" The Electrokinesis dragged his feet towards the idled Aerokinesis. With a swift leg sweep, he unsuccessfully hit Cyclone as he bounced out of the way in the last second.

"Uh-huh! I called you something that kinda made you go ape on me!" Cyclone laughed while in the air. The moment he landed, he changed the trajectory of his legs and rushed at the red thundered BoBoiBoy with a fist ready. Not quick to realize the sudden action, Thunderstorm crossed his arms to meet the other's fist colliding with his bare forearms. They bruised as Cyclone's punch packed quite nicely.

What ensued next are barrages of thrusting their fists and swinging their legs towards one another. The other element manipulators, having finished their training, watched from the sidelines. Blaze was cheering for his fellow troublemaker as he kept pummeling Thunderstorm with his agile movements. Ice quietly spectated the short tempered elementalist as he continued blocking Cyclone's attacks in rapid succession. Quake took note of their fighting styles with keen observation.

'From what I see, Thunderstorm could barely keep up with his bouncing opponent. However, he is always one step ahead in terms of evading his attacks with quick speed. Their reflexes completely matched against each other.'

'But the purpose for this training is to help them reach further heights. Agility and speed are their two specialities that they are basically good at. Without those two, they won't be able to dodge any form of attack the opponent can throw at them. As so, it's quite also an advantage to outmatch your opponent using quick-based moves.'

Neither of them let up with their attacks as they kept throwing them left and right. It proved futile when they continued to evade them. Seeing as they can't land a hit to each other, they decided to end it already.

"That's it! I give!" Cyclone held up his hands like he surrendered. "You definitely gotten faster than last time, Thunderstorm!"

"Last time?" Thunderstorm frowned. "I wasn't even trying last time! I bet I can beat you without breaking a sweat!"

"Yeah, whatever." He let out a big grin.

"You both did good." Quake ruffled Cyclone's hair while he pats Thunderstorm's shoulder. "Keep at it, you guys."

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