• Math •

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Modern AU

"Elsa, I have an exam on Friday, which is in 3 days, which means that I have to study. Get off of me!" I yell as my silly girlfriend climbs on my back while I lay on the floor.

"You've been studying during the whole week!" She whines poking out her bottom lip. "Which is why I got zero hours of cuddles."

"I'll get zero hours of breathing if my mom isn't satisfied with my grades. Capish?" I say getting back to my books.

"Can I at least steal a few kisses?" Elsa asks burying her face in my neck, his silky hair tickling my skin. I melt into her arms and decide to give in. I turn on my back and meet her big blue eyes staring at me lovingly, a wide smile showing off her perfect teeth. "Would that be a yes?" She asks pecking the corner of my mouth.

I chuckle and ruffle through her hair, making it even messier than it already was. "Oh, yes it is, my love." I barely get to finish the sentence for she kisses me immediately. My body tingles at her sweet affection, happiness and love overwhelming my entire being. She pulls away and nuzzles her nose against mine.

"See? That was all I was asking for."

I shake my head at her chuckling before playfully pushing her off of me. "And you got it. Now please let me study. My last test is next week, so I'm all yours after that. OK?"

"Really?" She grins.

"Yup. Really."

''What are you studying, by the way?"

"Math." I roll my eyes at the thought.

"Which grade do you hope for?" Elsa questions scanning through my notes.

"B. I can only dream about an A, and I got a C last time even though I studied really hard for that one." I huff.

"I'm sure you can do it, baby. I can help you if you want." She offers.

"Please do."


"Understand now?" Elsa asks after explaining me something for the 3rd time. I just give her a guilty expression and bite my lip, feeling awfully stupid. She chuckles and pats my back. "Let's get some food and watch TV for a half an hour or so, and then get back to this. You need a break." She says and pulls me up.

"Just say it, I'm stupid." I say and she pinches my arm.

"You're not! You're not so good at math, so what? I'm so bad at history, I can't remember one single date and you don't hear me complaining about it." She shrugs and I laugh.

"You're so silly." I say as we go to the living room. "Find something to watch while I make us sandwiches."


"Umm, honey. I think I told you to take a break for a while, not lie on me and take a nap." Elsa chuckles ruffling my hair.

"Yeah, I know." I mumble snuggling myself even closer to the blonde beauty. "But this feels too good to move." I sigh in delight, mesmerised by her intoxicating scent. "And you smell so nice."

I don't even have to look at her to know she's blushing. "T- thank you." She stutters on her words making me smile.

"You're adorable, Snowflake."

Elsa x Female Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now