• River's Kiss •

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WARNING: Mentions of suicide. If you're sensitive to the topic, skip this chapter.


I look down at the bright blue water, clutching to the railing of the bridge. Tears stream down my face as I slowly climb it, my gaze fixated to the sparkling river.

It looks so calm and beautiful. It will be my salvation.

My ears are buzzing, and I hear nothing but the beats of my own heart. My life flashes before my eyes and I see no reason to stay. My mother is gone for over a decade, my father has left me when I was 5 and the love of my life doesn't love me back.

This is the escape.

Just as I let myself go, I feel a pair of slender but strong arms around my waist. I instantly recognize who the person is. ''Elsa? What are you doing here? Let me go!'' I yell, not wanting her to see me in this state.

Alas, she doesn't listen to me and pulls me even closer. I shake and sob in her arms, trying to push her away but with no success. ''Shhhh, it's OK... I'm here, it's OK. Everything will be fine, I promise. I'll be there, Y/N. I'll help you.''

''I want to believe in that so badly.'' I sniff and she finally lets go of me, turns me around and gazes into my eyes. I bow my head down in shame but she holds my chin between her thumb and index finger, making me look at her.

She kisses my tears away with her soft lips and cups my face in her hands. ''Why, Y/N? Why?'' She asks on the verge of tears.

''What's the point? It's all over. I'm sick of everything, I'm sick of not finding happiness even though I was trying so hard, I'm sick of myself! I can't do anything right! I'm tired, Elsa. I'm so tired.'' I sigh not knowing how to explain my actions. Unsuccessful actions. ''I can't even kill myself properly. That's how miserable I am.''

''First of all, taking your own life away is not a solution. It's pointless. There's always a reason to live, Y/N.'' She tucks my hair behind my ear and I close my eyes, trying to absorb the gentleness she brings me. ''You shouldn't say you're sick of yourself. Darling, you're one of the- no, the best person I have ever met. It's okay to have problems, to feel sad or distressed, but you have to ask for help if you need it. Trust me, I may know that better than anyone.'' She reasons.

''But Elsa, I-''

''No 'buts', Y/N. I'm not leaving you alone after this. I'll be by your side until you get this absurd idea out of your mind, even if it means I have to follow you around 24/7 and annoy you to the point when you want to strangle me. Now let's go to the Enchanted Forest, you'll be staying with me."

"Elsa, I don't want to be a burden."

She takes my hand in hers and caresses my knuckles with her thumbs, soothing me with that simple act. "You could never be a burden to me, so don't you ever feel like that. Ok?"

"I'll try." I say softly and she smiles before kissing my forehead, my stomach bursting with butterflies.

"You should've told me about everything that's been going on. I know I've been busy since I- you know-"

"Became the fifth spirit? You can say it, you know?" I giggle.

"Excuse me for trying to be modest." She snorts. "But I could've helped you. I feel guilty for not noticing you felt that way.''

''I didn't want to bother you with my problems. Just like I am now.''

''You're not bothering me, Y/N. Quite the opposite, you're-'' She stops herself from saying what she wanted to, but instead pulls me closer to her and kisses me all over my face, slowly and tenderly. ''Don't you ever even think of doing this again.'' She chokes on her words and buries her face in my neck. ''What if I came just a few seconds later, what if Gale didn't sense that you were upset while passing here and let me know that, what if I was somewhere further and wasn't able to come in time to stop you? I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, I wouldn't be able to live peacefully knowing I could've done something but didn't." She inhales, her blue orbs gazing deep into my soul. "Oh God, I'm so glad you're fine. I'm so glad you're alive. I love you, Y/N. I love you so much."

I'm completely taken aback by her words, for I'd never expect her to feel this way. ''I- I love you too, Elsa.'' I say, honestly smiling for the first time in what seems like forever.

She crashes her lips to mine, giving all of her  to me with the lovely intimate affection. Her lips are sweeter than honey, making me moan quietly as her tongue searches for entrance before eagerly exploring my mouth. ''I'm sorry, Y/N, I'm so sorry.'' She whispers after pulling away.

''You have nothing to be sorry for. My demented personality is not your fault.''

''You're not demented, Y/N. You've just been through a lot and it took a tool on you. Besides, I'm here. Don't hesitate to ask me for anything you need. Okay?''

''Okay.'' I nod, thanking the higher forces for making his happen.

''Good. Let's go now.''

''Elsa?'' I stop her from going by grabbing her arm.

''Yes, love?''

I just smile before pressing my lips to hers again. She chuckles and picks me up so my legs are wrapped around her waist. ''Elsa!'' I squeal. "You're stronger than you look."

Her harmonious laughter fills my eardrums, her body welcomes mine as she holds me protectively, the taste of her lips lingers on mine and the words of love echo in my mind.

I feel as if a part of me did end up in that river. Doubt was replaced with hope, and I can finally see the light.

My heart slowly but securely fills with a feeling I haven't felt for a long time.

Pure love.

Elsa x Female Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now