• Saved By A Vampire - Part 1 •

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Elsa x Vampire Reader
Requested by @Azureman136


[ Your POV ]

The walk through the forest was peaceful, the orange leaves scrunching underneath my feet as I feel the pleasant autumn breeze caress my skin and hair. Everything was perfectly fine until I heard a woman scream.

It was a distant one though, so I'm not sure about where it came from. However, another one followed just a few seconds after and this time I'm able to figure out where the woman might be. I use my ability to run faster than anything else on this planet in order to get to her as soon as possible. When I do, I see two red-eyed creatures surrounding the most beautiful woman my eyes have ever seen.

The sparkling light blue dress hugging her curves perfectly, her slender leg seen through the cut on the dress. Her platinum blonde hair is tied in a loose braid with just a few strands of hair falling across her face. Her expression's stern and brave, but fear is obvious in her icy blue orbs.

"Don't come any closer." She threatened but the two men just laughed.

"Feisty, isn't she?" The one with black hair snickers with a sick smirk on his face. "This is gonna be fun."

"Get away from her!" I shouted and stood between the woman and them. Their eyes widened at the swiftness of my movements but then they realised that I was one of them.

Well, that isn't completely true, but they think so.

"You think you can just steal our meal, girl?"

"She's not anyone's meal." I snarl preparing for their attack.

"Fine." The ginger one chuckles darkly. "I guess we're doing this the hard way."

He jumps at me and the other one tries to get to the woman. I dodge the attack and just as I turn around to help her, I see spikes made of ice between her and the man.

And that's when it hits me.

She's not just a regular woman. Her name is Elsa and she's the queen of Arendelle. What is she doing here alone?

"Oh, so it's the queen herself we have here. The rumours are true for once. The magical ice queen." He looks at her from head to toe, his gaze making me sick in my stomach. "Let's see if you taste as good as you look."

He runs to her at an incredible speed but I manage to get to him and in once quick move snap his head away from his body. Behind me, I hear a horrific scream and this time not hers. It came from the other man, who I see on top of her but both of his hands completely frozen. He stands up and keeps screaming until all of him turns into ice and breaks into dust.

The gorgeous but terrified queen still sits on the ground watching what she's done in disbelief. Slowly, she cranes her neck to look at me. "I- I don't know h- how I did this."

I make my way to her and reach out for her hand in order to help her get up. She carefully takes it and stands up, her eyes staring into mine as if searching for answers.

"You obviously managed to freeze him, your highness."

"I see but how? I didn't know my magic can do that." She looks around and spots the head and body of another one and gasps. "What- how- B- but there is no blood, how is this even possible?"

I take her hand in mine without thinking and caress her knuckles with my thumb. "They are vampires, they don't have blood in their bodies, that's why they steal it from humans."


"Yes, vampires. I thought you knew. Their eyes were red and you saw how fast they were, after all."

"It crossed my mind, actually but I didn't think of that. I mean, I wasn't even sure if vampires truly existed or they were just a product of someone's imagination."

"No, my queen. They are very real."

"Elsa. Call me Elsa. You saved my life and I'm forever in debt to you."

"Thank you- Elsa. But I think you fought just as good as I did."

"Maybe, but you helped me. And-" Suddenly, she frowns and takes a step away from me. "You were as fast as them too. And your eyes have a golden colour... Are you one of them too?"

"I'm not like them. I would never hurt anyone like they probably did countless times. I will tell you more about myself if you're interested but I think it would be wise to get you back to castle. There might be more of them."

"M- more? How much more?"

"I don't know. Perhaps I'm wrong, so don't be too worried."

She sighs and nods slowly. "Ok, I'm going back to the castle, but I need you to go with me. You obviously know a lot about these... creatures. If there's more of them, I'll have to do something to stop them from hurting my people."

"I hope I will be able to help."

"I'm sure you will." She smiles and makes her way through the forest with me by her side.


Elsa x Female Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now