Dr. Ben saves the day

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A few of you have been asking why I haven't been updating daily. I have a reason. My best friend is going through a really big personal issue, and I need to be there for her. She's having a really tough time, and to have me there is helping her, so I need to be there. My best friend means the world to me, and I really need to help her get better. I also want to freakin' kill my other friend, because they contributed to this giant problem. I also can't be friends anymore with the friend that contributed to this problem because I can't be friends with someone who dosen't stick with their friends through hard times. I'm sorry for rambling, but I need to get some stuff off my chest. You probably learned way more about me than you wanted to, but, yeah, that's whats going on in my life.

(Ben's POV)

I snarled "I'm going to kill you, you little-" Erica cut me off, placing a hand on my chest. The look on her face clearly said: "Let me deal with this." She walked calmly to the front of the cell. "Why," she said quite simply.

"My life was ruined! I was happy in Ireland! But when we were about to move, HORNET approached me. They said I could go back to Ireland if I completed my mission. My parents don't give a damn about me. They should've just left me in Ireland." Sean spat and walked away.

Erica walked back to me, sitting down next to me. She leaned her head on my shoulder, and I sat there with her, trying to think of an escape plan. I looked at the window that was nearby. It was to high for one to jump through, but if someone stood on someone else's shoulders, they could make it out.

I motioned to Erica, who quickly stood up. I positioned her beneath the wall and pulled myself onto her shoulders, and launched myself through the glass window. I had cuts on my arms, but I didn't feel them. I produced a gun from one of my pockets and pulled Erica up next to me effortlessly. Alarms blared, and I took off like a shot, Erica right next to me.

I turned to look over my shoulder and saw enemy agents chasing us. They started firing, and I answered with shots of my own, but I only aimed for the legs. I managed to hit most of them, but one drove their shoulder into me, and I was knocked over. I sat back up, snatched a gun off the floor, and shot them in the leg.

They doubled over, but not before taking a shot at Erica. The bullet went right into her stomach, and I felt like I was going to throw up when blood started leaking from the wound. "Ben." she gasped.

I threw her over my shoulder, running, running aimlessly. Running to find someone who could help. I ran to the nearest hospital but stopped myself before entering. Going into a hospital with a teenage girl with a gunshot wound was pretty suspicious. But Erica was losing blood fast.

I ran to the closet place I could think of, running faster than I ever had in my life, because this time Erica's life relied on it. I ran to the old tower me and Erica had hidden in when I first went to spy camp. As soon as we got inside, I lied her gently down on an old cot.

I pulled out my first aid kit and started treating the wound. "Ben," she muttered deliriously. "It hurts." my heart clenched. "I know," I whispered, fighting back tears. She looked at me seriously this time. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you too," I answered, succumbing to tears.

Erica took my hand. "Ben I'm not going to die. You're going to save me." I brushed my lips against hers and went back to treating her. This was scarier than anything I had ever done. Scarier than boat chases, gunfights, defusing nuclear bombs. Because this time I could lose Erica right after I had admitted my love for her.

I extracted the bullet carefully and applied pressure to the wound. I gave Erica a small bit of leather to chomp down on because stitching the wound up would hurt, and I didn't want her to damage her tongue. I finished and sighed in relief. But Erica wasn't in the clear.

There was a chance the bullet had ruptured something, and moving her would not be good for her health. I lied down next to her, and she snuggled into my arms. I kissed the tip of her nose, and I fell asleep. I wouldn't be able to move her till morning, and I needed a good night's rest for the day that was ahead.

The next morning I woke up, and gingerly picked up a sleeping Erica. "Erica," I whispered. "You need to wake up." she woke up and smiled slightly at me. "Let's go back to camp," she said. I nodded.

I spent two hours picking my way through woods while carrying Erica to get back to the camp, and I didn't mind much. When I finally burst into the clearing, I was drenched with sweat, and Erica was asleep again.

Catherine came towards us, worry clearly shown on her face. Her hands immediately went up to her mouth when she saw the state Erica was in. I carried Erica to the doctor's station, and someone immediately started examining her.

Catherine ran to me and wrapped me in a hug. "Thank you for bringing my daughter back," she whispered. I nodded, tears streaming down my face. "I love Erica," I whispered. Catherine nodded. "I know," she whispered back.

For some reason, I now have two new idea's for berica fanfics. You guys can comment which one you want to come after this one, but I'll probably write both. One is a berica AU where they're normal high schoolers. Another is the one I showed the preview for before, the one in chapter 7.

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