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(Ben's POV)

I smiled as Owen jumped into my arms, grinning widely, showing off his smile, including a missing front tooth, which he had lost recently. My four-year old boy was one of the two lights of my life. The other was my amazing wife Erica.

Owen had my sandy brown hair and his mother's ice-blue eyes. "Daddy!" he shouted. "Tell me about the summer mommy and you fell in love!" I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

Erica came up to us quietly and laid down next to us, hugging Owen, and joining our group hug. I kissed her in greeting, and Owen shrieked "EWWWW! No kissing guys! Kissing is yucky yucky!"

I laughed and began Erica and I's story, Erica joining in sometimes. Owen fell asleep right at the part where I had proposed to Erica in Paris because the CIA let us stay there a little bit longer after our mission.

I had an entire orchestra behind me, playing a melodic love song softly while I got down on one knee. As soon as I had finished my proposal, she had immediately said yes, and a few months later, we were walking down the aisle. Two years later, Owen came along.

I flashed back, smiling at Erica softly. I asked her "Should we tell him Wyatt is one the way?" She patted her growing stomach, and answered "Soon."

We had recently gotten an ultrasound, and found out it was a healthy baby boy. I had immediately wanted to name him Wyatt, and Erica said she liked the name to. I was so ready for the rest of my life.

(Owen's POV)

I fell asleep right as Daddy and Mommy finished telling my favorite part. My life was the best! Mom and Dad were the best agents in the whole CIA, and they had been training me ever since I could walk.

My godfather and godmother were the absolute best, and they were the third cutest couple ever, right after Mom and Dad, and Grandma Cat and Grandpa Alex.

Mike and Zoe always told me jokingly that I was their favorite Ripley-Hale. Mom and Dad had joined there last names because they never believed in having the woman taking the man's name.

My puppy JJ was the best doggy ever, and the cutest. Mom and Dad told me that I was going to be better than both of them, and I believed them because they never sugar coat things. Okay, maybe Dad does, but Mom never sugar coats things.

AGGHHH IT'S THE END I CAN'T EVEN!!! I HAVE SOME THANKS TO GIVE OUT! THANKS TO @Agent_Jaydenx and @QuidditchLife7 and @-lovescenario and @it_me_bob_berica and @Chesecakesareh3althy and @Alpha12321 and and pretty much everyone who voted/commented. Byeeee! See you very soon with a new story!

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