chapter 4~ Icecream and Whores

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I don't know why I needed to stop thinking when Ronan walked into Geo's. But he just looked so..Dammit I can't think about this shit anymore. I turn around and focus on what I want to order.

Hmm ..double chocolate cappuccino..double chocolate..chocolate..or mint chocolate chip.

I actually can't decide. I think I may get all of them. Is that bad? I don't know, and I don't care.

"How may I help you?" The ice cream scooper guy questions.

"Um..can I get 1 scoop of the double chocolate cappuccino, double chocolate, chocolate, and the mint chocolate chip. I want them in four separate cups, not cones please."

The guy gives me and odd look "what size would you like and is it for here or to go"

"Small and it is for here"

"Alright coming right up."

I get my orders, pay, and find a seat near the huge window and grab a spoon.

"Are you going to eat all that by your self?"

I look up and expect to be met with Ronan but I'm confused when I find a girl twirling her hair in front of me.

"Yes" I answer and go back to checking my phone and eating my ice cream.

"Mind if I have a taste?"

"Yes I do mind, now please leave"

"Awwww come onnn, Don't be like that. How old are you?"

"I'm fucking 18 now leave and don't fucking come back you fucking peice of slut, go back to your fucking table, with your fucking friends and leave me the fuck alone before I call your parents." I snap.

Her mouth is wide open and she was getting ready to respond to that before Ronan came and saved the day.

"Hey hey hey, come on, if he wants you to leave then leave, it's his table"

"FINE!"then she gets up and stomps away.


"Jeez man why did you have to be so harsh" Ronan questions and takes a seat

"I do what I want" I shorty reply and continue eating my icecrean.

" No you don't, Anyways arnt you supposed to be in school right now?"

"No it's 4:00 arnt you supposed to be leaving me alone."

"Shit, really?, Dammit uhh I have to go. Here have my number so we can keep in touch" He completely disregards my comment and grabs a napkin and scribbles a couple of numbers down and runs out.

By the time I reach home its 12' oclock. I grab all the grocery bags from out of my car and other necessary items and haul them into my house.

I walk in and watch as George my little husky come and greet me. I scratch his head and decide to play with him for a bit.

I grab the new bone I bought him and throw it and watch him bring it back to me while I unpack all my groceries.

He's so damn cute, I love him. After I finish unpacking I attach George to his leash and decode to go take him on a walk.

I make sure he has his little rain jacket on and his booties so he doesn't get soaked from the rain that's about to fall.

I grab my jacket to shield myself from the cold night air and the rain.

While I'm walking I can hear the screams of fighting parents and crying babies as I advance further down the street.

Fucking stupid people. I feel bad for thier children. They are going to grow up to be drug addicts. Just like the ones that killed my parents.

God, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have left them alone. I should have stayed with them.

"Your dog is really cute"

I look to the right and left but there is no one in sight.

"dude, I'm down here"

I look down and sigh in relief when I see a little boy in a cute sweatshirt and jeans.

"I'm Logan, what's your name"

"I'm Phoenix, arnt you supposed to be inside? Where are your parents?"

"WHOOAAA your name is Phoenix, how cool is that" He says completely ignoring my questions.


"I'm right here dad"

"Jesus Christ L why would you do something like that! You can't just walk away from me! And who the hell are you talking to? What did I tell you about talking to strangers" Logan's father kept on going on and on until he came into my line of vision. When we made eye contact I could comprehend what I was seeing.

"Phoenix? What the hell are you doing talking to my kid" Ronan demanded. Well, that's a first time I've seen him mad.

"He wa-" I start to say " I was talking to him dad" Logan said completely interrupted me.

Ronan dragged Logan away while shooting me a mean look. Why am I such a fuck up I wonder to myself. I end my walk with George and head home with my head down holding back tears.

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