knowing things and memories pt. 2

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Springtrap knew many things about the people he lived with, when deliah was upset she'd turn her head away and he wasn't stupid to see when she was upset.....being mute sometimes has its perks he remembered the first time she was upset

After deliah dad left she went into her room and didn't come out for 3 hours he gotten worried, when he knocked on the door she said to go way he heard he crying....something about that made him feel something bad it was like he blacked out; when he got back to his senses he holding a bat at nick's candy store watching nick from the shadows till he went on break he almost hit him over the head till he thought of something else he locked himseft and nick in the break room smacking the bat in his hands scowling at nick.

Nick: what do you want?

"Answers" springtrap thought, he used a sketch pad to help him  communicate

Nick: not gonna answer

Then we're gonna be here for a long time Springtrap wrote

Nick sighed," deliah mother and I didn't get along that well until one night she just left....then a few weeks after I founded out I was gay, I never told deliah I was because I thought it might strain our relationship more....when I was at the Auction I got you at I thought you were a toy, but after I got make the story short you made my daughter happy for a while" springtrap's mood soften,"I wanna be there to help her but because of my job.... i just can't". Springtrap walked over to nick and stared at his soul for a moment before unlocking the door and leaving.

Back at home deliah was still in her room, springtrap had to do something to cheer her up but he hadn't even had the slightest idea until he "accidentally" gotten hit with a book that teaches baking he flipped through some pages till he found a recipe deliah may like he smiled and started getting to work.

It took a few tries, alot of flour and suger but he finally got it right he put a note on a napkin and knocked on the door, when she opened the door he gave her the cookies and the note she smiled softly and went outside to play after eating some. Springtrap went back to the closet satisfied with his work after cleaning up the kitchen


That was actually the first secret he kept he knew that nick wanted to keep it a secret till he was ready.....he remembered meeting harry for the first time and after a while he learned that harry had a small crush on deliah....


It was just after deliah and nick had gone to bed he snuck out and went to harry's house after a trying to find it he finally did....after breaking and entering other peoples house. He woke him up

Harry: how did you get in my house

Springtrap didn't wanna answer that instead he ask him a question

"Do you love deliah?" He wrote
Harry blushed,  "maybe". harry murrmed springtrap smiled at him before writing

Springtrap: it's okay to be in love.... just promise me you won't break her heart okay?

Harry: how'd you get here


That was another secret he kwen he had to keep plus it wasn't his place to tell, but after a while more black outside had happened to him he never knew why till he asked nick for help. They used some old files from the Auction they gotten him from to help after a few hours for searching it turns out he's a spring lock suit that doubles as a security animatronic, nick explained to him that he would program him to protect deliah. That came in handy when matt was over to babysit both harry and deliah

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