Nightmares and comfort

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Hey I got th idea from a ghost wife (from webtoon) fanfiction right here:

Some times Nick thinks he's dreaming when he's actually not

Nick always used to comfort deliah when she had nightmares and he still did. Springtrap always came to help even if it wasn't that bad, Nick never had to worry about nightmares from time to time even if he did he'd would be alone....but not this time


Nick woke up In a cold sweat, he was shaking tears started to form even though he couldn't remember what it was that scared him completely  it still haunted him. He tried to calm down by thinking about his favorite things his thoughts soon turned to a certain green bunny he violently shook those thoughts away he was blushing hard

Nick POV:
No, no , no. I'm just tired yeah that's it, besides springtrap is just a companion for deliah while I'm at work and things would be awkward if we broke up, I smacked myself on the forehead realizing  what I just thought. Though I have to admit....he can be a bit of a sweetheart and nice person... and a bit funny when convinced into doing thi--



nick screamed loudly (funny how deliah could sleep through it) 
He took a few deep breaths trying to calm his heart down yet his heart kept beating faster. Nick laid back down on his bed, he couldn't get back to sleep no matter what he tried.

"I'm in for a restless night"

"Are okay?"

Nick let out a yep and turned around to see springtrap staring down at him.

Nick could only nod to answer in return springtrap gave him a puzzled look,

Springtrap:.... nick I sleep almost 5 minutes near you in the closet, I heard you screaming. Clearly something's wrong

Nick:......I I had a nightmare

Springtrap sat down on the bed near nick making, the young man blush "no no its okay" nick tried to protest but springtrap stopped him.

Nick felt a bit awkward near him, they never really talked and springtrap seemed a bit hostile towards grown ups and teens.

Springtrap: do you wanna talk about it?

Nick shook his head no, "that's alright" springtrap said "we can talk about something else if you'd like. Nick nodded.

Nick had calmed down after a few minutes he had learn the reason why springtrap was hostile during the daytime to some adults and teens his programming was tampered with. Nick also learned that springtrap only let his guard down to people he trusted, Nick then wondered if he was someone springtrap trusted.

Springtrap wonder what went in Nick's head from time to time when they talked he looked like he was somewhere else.

When everyone goes to asleep Springtrap goes outside to clear his head sometimes, he takes on a human form during the night feeling more comfortable at that time.

Nick was out side on the porch when he saw him sitting there.

Springtrap: can't sleep?

Nick: not really

Springtrap took nick's hand and both went through the back fence,"where are you taking me?" Nick asked,

Springtrap: for a walk

Nick: At this hour?

Springtrap: yes, so?

Nick opened his mouth to speak but then closed it realizing who he was talking to. "I take it you don't like the night time?" Springtrap asked

Nick: No it's not that, I don't feel safe in the dark at night.

"Why" Springtrap asked, "well you never know what hiding from you in the dark" Nick said.

Springtrap gave an concerned look, "why do go out at night" nick asked

Springtrap: It gives me a sort of freedom don't get me wrong I'm fine with staying inside the house it's just that I like looking the sunrise and sometimes sunset.

Both walked to the park and sat down under a tree.

Nick saw the sky from between the tree leaves, stars twinkled as he did. Soon he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Nick woke up in his bed the next day.

Have a good night/day

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