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I got this story idea from this link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8484961 . I hope you enjoy this story and the story I got the idea from. Oh and deliah is a 2yrs old in this

Nick never believed in the paranormal. Ghosts for that matter, though he couldn't say for strange things happening in his house.
It started small with treats and gifts
Nick: what the?

A plate of chocolate chip cookies where on the table near a cup of hot chocolate. Nick didn't think too much of it he was just tired, he took a few cookies drank the hot chocolate and went to bed

Then the next day it was pancakes his daughter was eating a mini plate of pancakes. Again nick decided not to question it and just went with it.

That was something unusual about how strange things happened even around deliah she always laughed
When nobody was even around, a small toy just appeared in her room one night a toy maker said that designed specifically just for her mostly cause it kept coming back to her. And in some cases when deliah would cry at night he always finds her sleeping soundly in her crib, sometimes he'd hear music playing in deliah room sometimes he can hear it in his room. The tune was always different in his daughter room its soft but lively in his room it was sweet like it was teasing with his emotions but in not in a hurtful way but in a playful manner it was like it was telling him not to be afraid
Pacifist: you know what I think sis

Genocide looked up from the book she was reading "what" she asked her younger sister smiled

Pacifist: I think the ghost likes nick

Genocide: no really?

Pacifist: why don't we let them meet

Genocide: sis he's been dead for 30 years his corpse is gone they BURNED it

Pacifist: can't we just make him a new body

Genocide: sis don't you remember Charlie?

Pacifist: sis that was different,and it only happened because of that man's actions

Genocide face turn dark the room turned cold. "Sis" genocide voice was cold

Genocide: that idiot wasn't satisfied with his own daughter, he hurted everyone including his own kid he was the worst out of all of them


The room was silent

Pacifist: I promise you that what ever happens we'll be prepared

The room turned back to a warm peaceful state

Genocide: alright sis let's do it

Pacifist: Great! I have an idea


Nick was walking in the woods, he had gotten lost trying to find a way home his car had gone off a cliff, the breaks were cut. He was glad he got out while he still could, however he couldn't figure out how the brakes were cut

Genocide threw a pair a pliers into the woods and looked around nervously "it was a bear I swear"

After awhile nick found a hill with grave on top the name and date were gone, there were no flowers nick couldn't help but feel nostalgic and sad. He pick some nearby flowers and placed them on the grave

Nick: I hope you have a good rest

Nick walked away from the hill and went back to finding his way home. Not noticing a ghost with wings,  and a broken hollow watching him with a smile

Pacifist: sis?

Genocide: yeah

Pacifist: how does stranding Nick in the woods, with no phone service, food or water IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE HELP THEM MEET

genocide: he found the grave didn't he?

Pacifist: sighs yes but what does this have to do with your part of the plan

Genocide: you'll see

Nick had fallen asleep under a tree

Nick dream

Nick POV
I was in a small cottage with yellow walls and brown floor boards sitting on a couch sitting in front of me was a girl she had short black hair, dark eyes and black skin, she was wearing a black jacket on top of a white dress with a messager bag and black boots.

???: Hello nick I would like you to meet some one

Nick: who?

The girl: you can come in now

Nick turned to see a young man who had black hair and white skin with striking purple eyes. "Meet the ghost haunting your house" the girl  said " I'll leave you 2 to talk" with that she left.

Nick POV
why are you haunted me and my daughter? I asked him. "I'm lonely, I got into an accident a few days back and I'm in a coma,I let a friend of mine rent my house for money so my medical bills could be paid for treatment". The man said, do you do this with everyone I asked

Ghost: no I usually do it for kids  with parents who are busy with work , you actually lasted longer I expected most of the guest that come leave usually after they hear me play the piano.

Nick:well when do you get out

Ghost: in a few weeks

Nick: well I guess I'll pack up my things when I wake up and leave

Ghost: actually I don't mind if you'd stay I'd like some company and you won't have to pay for rent

Nick: okay but won't people get curious about 2 men living in the same house

Ghost: I'll just say we're roommates

The ghost had been acting weird lately. 

The strange girl gave the address of the hospital and ghost original name.

Nick went to pick up the ghost.

When he met the ghost he saw he had dark hair and brown eyes.

Nick: are you William?

William: *nods*

Nick: I'm nick, nice to meet you.

Both went back home.

Yeah sorry it's short ish, have a nice day. Bye!

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