secrets pt 1 (shadow puppets)

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Alright in this 3 part story Nick's brother stays over for a bit not knowing about springtrap I don't think if he even knows if nick's gay

Nick's brother was coming to stay over for a couple of days so nick had to make sure that he wouldn't see springtrap and scare him.

Nick: springtrap, could stay hidden during the daytime

Springtrap looked at him oddly

Nick: I just don't want you to scare or hurt him in any way. If it helps you can go out at night

Springtrap only nodded nick assumed that he was agreeing to his conditions.

A couple hours later ben came, deliah made sure that springtrap was dismantled in the closet everything was okay for the rest of the night but trouble started the next few weeks it started out small and nick ignored it until he found his brother tied up in the closet passed out. Nick wanted to talk to springtrap about it but couldn't find him

Ben was starting to annoy nick and deliah a couple days later,so nick let deliah stay over a friend's until her uncle left.

A week later the pranks stopped, nick was glad for the peace in quiet at the candy shop besides the pranks that happened ben kept driving him crazy. He haven't heard anything from springtrap yet and he started getting worried.

He was in the storage room of the candy store trying to get some more candy he couldn't see anything due to the light switch being broken, nick then remembered about a backup generator in the back of the storage  room. He stumbled through the dark maze like labyrinth trying to find his way to the end he soon tripped on a box and almost fell before someone wrapped their arm around his waist and pulled him close.

???: you okay

Nick: yes


Nick recognized the voice, "Springtrap?". Springtrap smiled. "What are you doing here?" Nick asked

Springtrap: hiding from your brother

Springtrap lead nick to the end of the maze where the generator is, "do you know how to fix it" he asked nick

Nick: a little

Springtrap and nick used a few tools to help them fix it. 2 hours later they where done.

Nick: so why are you hiding here

Springtrap: because this is the last place your brother would be

Nick: okay

Springtrap: plus if I spent another night with him I'd probably kill him

Nick only hummed in agreement.
He was enjoyed the rest of quiet evening with Springtrap though he wouldn't admit it


Nick laid in bed wide awake, his brother was still up with the tv turned up loud he couldn't sleep.

Nick POV
I huffed and turned on my lamp light  feeling like I had a headache and lying on the floor isn't going to make anything better.

I wonder if Springtrap's awake.

Nick tiptoed down the hail to the closet  where Springtrap slept and quietly knocked on the door, Nick heard a soft click and saw 2 sliver glowing eyes peeking out. "Springtrap?" nick asked

Springtrap: hey, can't sleep?

Nick: how did you?

Springtrap: delilah wears the same expression when she can't.

Nick just nodded tirelessly and Springtrap took notice he carried nick back to his room and placed him into a nearby closet. Springtrap then took the blanket from nick's bed and a nearby flashlight before sitting next to him.

Springtrap: when I can't sleep I do shadow puppets

Springtrap then put his hands in front of the nearby flashing and made the shape of  a rabbit with his hands

Nick slowly watched a smile smile appeared on his face and he made the shape of a wolf with his hand, "I'm glad you're here" nick said. Both made shadow puppets for the time being befor going to sleep


Nick woke up with his head laid on Springtrap's arm. Nick smiled remembering what happened last night. Not noticing Springtrap starting to awake

Springtrap: morning

Nick: morning

Both got out of the closet and went into the living room. Nick noticed a note on a nearby table

I'm going out be back at 10am


"Hey nick you wanna help make breakfast?" Springtrap asked from the kitchen. "Sure" Nick answered, both spent the rest of the morning making breakfast, after Ben came back Springtrap went back into the closet and nick wore a big smile for the rest of the day.

Hi, happy new years. I hope you all had a good year. I'll try to update next week

Bye p.s. please don't read the drafts if you can see them.

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