Late night Sweets

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Nick was running out of ideas for a new type candy he usually got them during the seasons but due to the summer's heat he couldn't get any.

One night Nick woke up from a dream
Though he blamed the humity creeping into his room, all he knew was that if he didn't get anything to cool him off soon he'd get a heat stroke.

Nick got up from bed and went into the kitchen to find springtrap making something he'd just ignored him and went to find a drink

After a few minutes of looking Nick couldn't find thing.

Springtrap: looking for something?

Nick: just something to drink, what about you?

Springtrap: deliah read me a story yesterday and I got and idea for a new snack. Wanna try it?

Nick: sure what are you making

Springtrap: you'll see

Nick sat at the table for a few minutes before springtrap presented the treat laid out before him it was an apple sliced in fours each covered completely in caramel. Nick gave springtrap a questioning look

Springtrap: What?

Nick: springtrap was the story snow white by any chance

Springtrap: yes why do you as-

Springtrap smirked when he realized what nick was trying to ask

Springtrap: no nick I'd didn't poison it besides I don't know where I'd get the poison from. But if you wanted a ki-

Nick: No no that's not what I wanted

Nick took a bite of the treat his eyes lightened up

Nick: This is good

Springtrap: thanks

Nick smiled as he ate the sweet treats.
"You know you can use them as a new candy idea for your shop"

Nick: I'd like that, could you teach me?

Springtrap nodded and they started to get to work. Nick listened as springtrap told him what to do.

Springtrap: would you mind if you cut the apples I kinda don't trust myself

Nick POV
I nodded, then started to notice the little things that Springtrap did while he baked. His eyes would light up and he'd seem much more happy, he never trusted himself with anything sharp.

"Ow" Nick snapped out of his thoughts to find that he accidentally cut himself he saw springtrap go over to get rubbing alchohol and some bandages, "this is going to hurt" springtrap said before putting on the alcohol making nick hiss and placing a bandage on the wound.

"Finished" Springtrap said.

Both went back to work, "hey what colored apples did you use for the first time" nick asked trying to break the silence.

Springtrap: green

Nick: why green isn't the apple red?

"Yeah; but green apples are sour and sometimes" Springtrap paused and walked over and grabbed some tea. " The most bitter things can actually hold something sweet" Springtrap replied. Nick watched as Springtrap took out 2 cups a warm aura filled the room, "Any requests?" Springtrap asked snapping Nick out his thoughts causing him to blush

Nick: Come again?

Springtrap motioned to the cupboard filled with some boxes full of tea, "Oh" Nick whispered "Surprise me." He answered, The room went back to being slient. Nick placed the finished treats into the freezer part of the fridge.

Springtrap was done with making tea and placed them next to Nick along with some snowball cookies. Nick ate a couple of cookies before taking a long sip of tea.

Nick let out a soft yawn getting the large Rabbit's attention, Springtrap gave a small smile. "Looks like the sleeping pills are kicking in"  he said, Nick's eyes widened. "You DRUGGED my drink?" Nick ask loudly.

"Maybe" Springtrap said in an amused tone. Nick shot him a half glare before letting out another yawn. Springtrap took as a sign that Nick was ready for bed, He picked Nick up bridal style (luckily Nick didn't put up a fight) and carried them to bed.

Springtrap gently place Nick into bed and kissed his forehead before going into the closet and deactivating for the night.

The next day Nick had gotten a notebook full of recipes.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry that it's late.

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