Chaper 11: Cheap Ass Phone

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I am obsessed with the 100 like no joke if you don't watch it you need to watch it ASAP. I put the trailer in the box up there.
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Katie's P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm playing the Arctic Monkeys. Wow it's 1 in the afternoon, earliest I have woken up. I went and put on my bra cause like who sleeps with a bra on, its so uncomfortable. Last night was weird, well that escalated quickly. I didn't expect Harry to go along with him being my boyfriend, but it doesn't matter anyway because I will never date him, and he was a bad kisser. Now I don't know what to do, should I go walking an be sportive and go to the gyms, or go walking be sportive and gain my fat back by going to the candy store. You guessed it! Candy store it is!

I got to the candy store and went straight to the chocolate section. I practically got every chocolate known to mankind in that shop. Then I went to the candy section and did the same. I exited the store with a 7.8 pound candy bag. Hey don't blame me. Let's just say that once I exited the store is was 7:30 and the sun started going down. I started my walk back home with a jawbreaker in my mouth. Darnit! I have to pass the creepy ass alley to get home. Once I walked passed it, I felt someone grab my wrist and drag me into the alley. I was pushed up against a brick wall. I could've died, I could've chocked in my candy! I looked and saw this old ass wrinkly fart. I grabbed my phone quickly and dialed 911." Sorry but you have reached the limit of calls this month." SUCK MY ASS.
"Hey want candy?" I asked the creepy
"Uh No Hoe." This bitch responded.
"Can I at least borrow your phone to dial 911" I asked him.
"Sure" he said and handed me a phone. I dialed 911 an told the receptionist everything that has just happened and they shall be here shortly.
"You should probably go dude I called the cops on you."
I never seen anyone sprint out of this alley so fast, it was like he really needed to take a shit and that his poop was slipping. Ha serves him right. Now I have myself a nice IPhone 5. I continued my journey home, once I got home I saw that there was a package on my doorsteps. I opened my door an brought the package inside. It was a letter and a box inside, I started to read the letter.

Dear Katie,
I know you may not know this but I have had a crush on you since grade 8. I always thought you were beautiful just the way you are from your personality to your looks. I will not reveal my identity because if I do, I know you won't like me back........ yet. The box you received contains a necklace I got for you. It should be a small headphone necklace made out of diamonds because I know how much you love music.

Your secret admirer

What? I am so confused right now. Who is this dude? I opened my box, and like he said, there was a beautiful necklace that had a small headphone attached to it made out of diamonds. I put. It on and I automatically fell in love.
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HEY EVERYBODY! I might change the title of this book and call it " My secret admirer" the topic of the book will be the same but I just think that there are so many cliche stories with the same title, so don't think the book will change, just the title :) thank you lovelies

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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