009. || restituire~ payback.

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mattia 😍
i need a favor.

of course you do,
i'm guessing you want me back?

mattia 😍
no definitely not
i need a different favor

what do i get in return?


i'm in.

mattia 😍
so here's whats gonna happen.

jordyn's pov.

kbaby😚we're hanging out at alesyou down?

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we're hanging out at ales
you down?

yeah, what time ?

kbaby 😚
an hour ?

okay sounds good!


after kairi had texted me i decided to take a shower and get ready to go to alejandro's house.

"mija!" my mom called. "yea?" "adonde vas?" she asked. "to alejandro's house." i said. "quien was alejandro? tienes novio jordyn?" "no mami, i dont have a boyfriend, nomas es un amigo." i said.

"okay jordyn, pero con quidado por favor." she said. "okay i will" i replied.

after i showered i did my skin routine and did my makeup but nothing extra. as i was getting ready my phone was going off.


jordyn, are you going to alejandro's?

yeah, do you need a ride?

yeah, do you mind giving me one?

no it's okay i can get you no problem with that

thank you! could we also get something from the gas station?

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