035. || torna alla realtà.~ back to reality.

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it was monday morning and jordyn decided to come back to school, even though she's ahead of all her classes she's behind with what's been going around at school. apparently some things have been going around, things that the one and only alex hernandez spread. shocker right?

jordyn's pov.

i drove to school and parked in a spot, i chose the farthest spot so i wasn't seen by anyone, which wasn't my best idea even though everyone was going to see me anyway. i was just nervous going back to school after a month. i took a deep breath, grabbed my bag and began walking to the doors of the school.

"jordyn, you're back!" a girl said. i turned around and faced her, it was one of the girls from the volleyball team. "yeah,im back." i said. she came closer to me, "just a heads up, alex has been saying some bad shit about you." she told me. i wasn't surprised, alex hates me over one thing i said. "thanks for the heads up." i said. 

once i got inside all eyes were on me, people whispering shit and just staring. i went to my locker seeing it "nicely" decorated. 'cheater', 'liar' and 'clout chaser' was spray painted all over my locker. it hurt knowing all these things were being spread about me, but it wasn't going to let that bring me down anymore. im done being the insecure, shy girl anymore. i just want to succeed, i want my life to be normal again, just not the same me, i don't want to be associated with my old friends and mattia. 

"ms. martinez, nice of you to finally come back. follow me please." mrs. mendoza said. i followed her to her room and sat down. "where have you been?" she asked. "college visits." i said. "jordyn, you've only been to Duke." she said. i sighed. "i was at home, getting better." i said. "from what?" she asked. "my break up. but now i know my worth and staying at home for a month was stupid, and now its going to be a while until i adjust." i said. "well im glad you've come to your senses. you're still ahead in your classes, but still participate." she said. i nodded and went back to my locker to grab the things i needed. 

i closed my locker and was startled by mattia being right where my locker door was. "im sorry about that." "jesus." i said. "im sorry i didn't mean to scare you." he said. "what do you want mattia. i told you i don't want anything to do with you." i said. " i know but i need you to just hear me out." he said. "maybe i don't want to." i said. "there you are tia. oh hi jordyn." the girl said. i've never seen her before. i didn't care either, i scoffed and walked back to english class. 

"good morning students, today we are beginning class with bellwork." mrs. mendoza said. "jordyn, can you pass these out for me?" she asked. i nodded and got up from my seat to pass out the bellwork. "im sorry mrs. mendoza, but i can't accept this paper from liars." alex said. "oh well that's fine ms. hernandez i can just give you a zero." " alex will you stop being a bitch?" mattia snapped. everyone looked at mattia then at me and alex. "how about we all just stop talking and let jordyn pass out your work." mrs. mendoza said. i quickly passed out the papers and went back to my seat. 


the bell rang for the students to go to lunch and jordyn quickly walked out the doors to her car to go get food. "jordyn!" mattia called out. "jordyn wait! let me just-"  "no, mattia. i don't care what you have to say anymore okay. just go with that girl and alex and all your stupid friends. just stop defending me like a lost puppy."  she told him. she continued walking to her car, wishing she didn't park her car so far. 

once she got to her car mattia grabbed her wrist. "don't touch me." she said. "i'm begging you, jordyn." he said letting go of her wrist. she unlocked her car and opened the door but mattia stopped her from closing her door. "meet me at the soccer field, after school." he said and walked away. 

she didn't realize she wasn't breathing and began breathing again. should she meet him ? who knows what he will say she thought. 

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