025. || nuovo.~ new.

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it's was noon and jordyn was still sleeping, mattia on the other hand has been up and at it since 7 am. he decided to surprise jordyn, they are dating after all.

"i'm going to jordyns' house!" he yelled out. "okay con cuidado!" his mom said. he walked out and drove to jordyns house.

once he got to her house he rang the door bell her mom opened the door. "oh hi mattia, come in." she said.  "hi ms. martinez." he greeted. "i'm not sure if jordyn is up, she left the house late. are you thirsty?" "oh i'm okay, thank you." he replied.

"if you want you can go check to see if she's up." she said. "i would but i was just called in, will you let her know?" she asked. "of course, no worries." he smiled.

mattia walked up the stairs to jordyn's room and knocked on her door. "jordyn? are you awake?" he said. he knocked again after a couple seconds he opened the door immediately seeing a sleeping jordyn.

he chuckled. "you're so adorable jay." he sat next to her moving her hair from her face. "you could sleep for hours and still be tired." he whispered.

mattia got up and looked around jordyn's room, though he's been to her house before, he's never gone to her room as a respect to the girl he loves.

while mattia was looking at the pictures jordyn had finally woke up. she stretched and sat up. she laughed "i'm on something, i kissed mattia in front of his girlfriend." she said to herself.

not realizing he was in there she looked to her side and widened her eyes. "yes you did, and now you're my girlfriend." he smiled. she stammered. "you-whe-wha- who let you in?" she finally let out.

"your mom, oh and by the way she got called in, i'm sure she's gone and she loves you." he said.  she looked down to her shirt, and quickly covered herself with her blanket. mattia looked at her confused.

"what are you hiding? your hoodie?" he asked. "it's not mine." she said looking away from him. he went closer to her and pulled the blanket from her. "ohhh, i see now. this is my hoodie." he said laughing. he suddenly stopped. "wait, when did you take this?" he asked.

"i took it when i helped you pack for social bash." she said. "wait...why are you here again?" she asked. mattia held his chest "ouch, i can't see my girlfriend?" he said playfully. she laughed.

she patted her bed signaling him to sit next to her. he sat next to her and they looked at each other. she smiled and kissed him. mattia quickly kissed her back. she pulled away and mattia pouted.

"can i have one more pwease." he said. she let out a small giggle. "okay but only one more then i have to get ready." she said and gave him another kiss. "thank you and what are you getting ready for?" he asked. she sighed. "oh mattia, sometimes you just need to think."she said and got up from her bed.

once jordyn finished getting ready, she walked over to her her bed seeing mattia sleeping. she smirked and sat next to him. "maybe this will wake him up." she said to herself and kissed his on the lips. almost right away he woke up. "good morning sleeping beauty, im ready." she smiled and walked downstairs.

mattia quickly got up and ran down the stairs to jordyn, and somehow knew what he wanted. "ah ah ah, don't get too clingy, that's a turn off." she said and walked out to his car. he followed behind her "hey, that's not fair." he complained.

"mattia, don't be a baby." she replied. "fine" he dragged. "so where we going?" jordyn asked. "we're getting sushi." he replied. "aw i love sushi." she said. he smiled. while he was driving he grabbed her hand from her lap and intertwined them. she looked at him and smiled, he smiled back.

once they arrived to the restaurant they got a booth and ordered their food. "so, i've been meaning to ask." jordyn began. "i broke up with cynthia, she was pissed but she left right away, don't worry about her, we're done." mattia told her. "i feel bad now." jordyn said.  mattia laughed  "why do you feel bad for a girl that was bitch to you?" she nodded. mattia sighed. "you need some work." "hey that's mean." she complained.

"here's your sushi, enjoy." the waiter said. "thank you." jordyn said. "of course." the waiter said and winked at her.  "yo, fuck off man." mattia said. "mattia- " jordyn called out. he looked at her, she looked somewhat scared, he sat back down. "i'm here boyfriend, back off man." he said. the waiter walked away.

he looked at jordyn, she wasn't happy. "we should eat." she said. he nodded. they ate silently. "jordyn i'm sorry." he said as he reached for jordyns hand. she pulled away. "i don't want to be your girlfriend if you're going to be like that. i understand that he winked at me and he shouldn't have done that but you can't be acting so violently, mattia." she told him.

"i know i'm sorry jordyn, i didn't mean to act that way." he said. "please just don't do it again." she said. he nodded and she smiled.

while the couple were eating, mattia had a good idea. "can i introduce you to my mom?" he asked. "you already have silly." she said.  "as my girlfriend." he said. "oh uh okay i don't see why not." she smiled. "we can go after if you want." she said.  he nodded.

author's corner
a small filler for you guys, thank you so much for reading 💘💘💘

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