045. || scegliere.~ choose.

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what was that all about last night?


you kicked me out last night,
i'm front of everyone.

i don't know what you want me to tell you.

so the time we had the other day,
meant nothing to you?

look, im not in a mood for this conversation.

then come talk to me
at lunch.

i can't, i'm having lunch with celia and katie.

when are you free then

i don't know mattia.

can you talk to me after lunch at least?
i hate for me to say it but i need you to tell me who you want.
me or ryan.

don't do that mattia, not while we're in florida
if you want to argue wait til i'm in jersey
i'm not dealing with this shit

i don't want to deal with this either but
you're giving me mixed signals and not telling me how you feel.

look i have to go
i'll see when we can talk

the girl friends 🤩🤍

celia 💘
sooo doc greens for lunch?

katie ❤️
yes my favv

jordyn <3
i'm down !

celia 💘
yay okay, meet at the lobby at 12

author's corner
hi babies, i'm sorry i took years to update but i might add a couple more chapters idk
buttt i am already writing a new book and i'm excited for this one 🤩
i'll try to post again today if i'm not too busy w my family for my birthday:)
love u guys 🤍

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