024. || il mio.~ mine.

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jordyn's pov.

"what's that behind you hector?" i asked him. "we heard you weren't feeling well so we got you some of your favorites." he said. he gave me flowers, the exact same one mattia gave me.

i didn't know how to react, it was a fuzzy feeling.. i miss him so much but he hurt me. he somehow finds a way to hurt me. "we even got you sprite,sweet tea, and some candy." alex said smiling.

the snacks the flowers, it's like mattia bought everything.. i began to breath heavily without even noticing. "jay? are you okay?" alex asked sitting next to me. she began to rub my back to comfort me.

"i- i miss him so much you guys." i said crying. "i didn't realize how much i actually like him  and he doesn't see it. he liked me and now he's with cynthia." i continued.

hector and alex looked at each other. "do you two mind leaving me alone? i'll text you guys when i'm better." i told them getting up from my bed. they nodded. "of course." hector replied. they both got up and left closing the door behind them.

i need to tell him. thought the thing is said, i need to tell him..i have to let it be known.

i love mattia.

"mija, what- where are you going?" jordyns mom asked as she is walking to the door. "i have to fix something." she replied. "jordyn, it's 11pm, you're not leaving." she told her.  "mom you don't understand, i swear it'll take 30 minutes tops." the teenager begged. he mom sighed.

"i'm locking the door if you're not home in time jordyn." she said. "thank you so much mom i love you." she said and kissed her mother's cheek. "mhm." she replied.

jordyn walks out her front door and quickly drives to mattia's home. once she arrived she saw an unfamiliar car outside his house. "fuck it." she said and rang his doorbell.

"jordyn? the hell are you doing here?" the girl said. "i need to speak to mattia." jordyn replied ignoring the fact that cynthia just opened his front door. "no way, you have my boyfriend wrapped around your finger. you're just using him for attention, you're an attention whore. now leave before i make you leave." she said.

jordyn laughed. "or what? you gonna hit me? spread rumors about me? tell everyone lies? i'm not scared of you cynthia, you think you're big and bad but really you're all talk. you won't do shit." she told her.  "who's at the- jordyn." mattia come up.

"what- what are you doing here?" he asked. " i came to talk to you." she said. "sucks, he's busy." cynthia barged in. "i'm sorry jordyn, i am kinda busy with cynthia. can you text me? or we can talk tomorrow?" he asked scratching the back of his head. i shook my head. "no but i think this will help." i said

both of jordyns' hands gently grabbed his cheeks and kissed him. he kissed back holding jordyn's waist, not even caring his 'girlfriend' is right behind him. "what the fuck? are kidding me right now?" cynthia said.  the two broke the kiss. jordyn with a big smile on her face, mattia with a mix of surprise, confusion and happiness.

jordyn ran back to her car and drove away. "mattia are you fucking kidding me dude? you seriously just kissed that whore in front of your girlfriend?" she said yelling. "you know what cynthia, i really didn't like you. i'm sorry i guess." mattia said and walked inside his home locking the door behind him.

jordyn drove back home, with the same smile on her face, she was having all kinds of feelings throughout her body, she finally confessed her feelings towards mattia without saying any words. once she got home, she ran upstairs and went to sleep.

while she was trying to sleep her phone rang.

mattia can i finally call you mine?

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can i finally call you mine?

can i?

pwese 🥺

mattia ur mine  

jordyn you're mine.

jordyn was beyond happy at this point. she and mattia have finally confessed for each other.

"maybe opposites do attract." jordyn smiled.

author's corner
hi loves! just to update,
NO this book is NOT over
it's just getting started 😉

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