022. || vai e basta~ just go.

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"mattia." was i could say. "you weren't answering my messages so i came here to make sure you were okay." he said. "i haven't been on my phone today." i said.

"well i'm fine so you can go now." i said and i began turning around, i felt his hands on my arm. "wait." he said. i closed my eyes and turned around again. "can you talk to me? i haven't seen you for 2 weeks." he said.

i scoffed. "why are you being like this?" he asked. i couldn't believe he just asked that. "you're kidding." he shook his head. the door behind me opened. "jay, who's-oh hey, i'm adrian..you must be..?" he said. "mattia." he replied.

"moms said dinners ready. just come in when you're done." he said and rubbed my back. i nodded with an awkward smile. "who is he to you?" mattia asked getting mad. "since when do you care." i said.

"oh i don't know, maybe since forever." he said. "you have a girlfriend, just go to her house and bother her." i told him. "are you talking about cynthia? she's not my girlfriend." he said. "right, that's why she told me that you two weren't talking while you hung out with me always flirting with me" i said.

"you need to leave mattia." i told him. "jordyn.." he said. "no i'm done mattia. you played me like i was a toy." i said. he didn't say anything. i turned around to open the door.

"i love you." he said. i froze, what? the l word? i turned around. my heart began to beat quickly. "what?" i asked. "i love you jordyn." he repeated. i shook my head. "no, you don't. we're opposites mattia, we are nothing alike ok? you can't love me." i said with tears falling down my cheeks.

" i love you jordyn." he said again getting closer. i scoffed. "how could you possibly love me?"i said. "opposites attract jordyn, i'm crazy for you." he said. i shook my head. "you want to love me mattia. but you don't, you played me."

"no jordyn-" he began but i cut him off. "just go. please just go before you make it worse." i said. he stopped and just looked at me with pleading eyes. "please jay." he said. i just looked at him still crying and shook my head. i finally opened the door and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

what the fuck am i going to do. adrian kissed me telling me he has liked me since middle school and then mattia tells me he loves me just after he plays me. my life is a complete joke. what am i going to do.

after dinner adrian and i decided to walk to the park. "so, uh what did mattia need?" he asked me. i looked down at my feet for a minute. "he just wanted to say hi." i said. he nodded and put his hand in mine.

i looked at him and moved his hand. "adrian, i really appreciate it but i- i don't feel the same way." i said slowly. he chuckled "you know, when i kissed you. i didn't feel that spark." he said.

i laughed "oh good, i felt so bad saying that." i said and sighed. we laughed together. "well well well, who do have here jordyn? you ditching us for my other best friend?" alex came up to us.

"ALEX!" adrian yelled and hugged her. "adrian i missed you so much!" she exclaimed. "uh remember us?" alejandro said. "oh yes, adrian this is alejandro my boyfriend, alvaro, kairi, robert, roshaun, hector, and mattia." she introduced.

when i realized mattia was here, i took a glance over to him catching him staring at me. i stiffened up and cleared my throat. "uh yeah so these are our best friends but we should get going. bye guys!" i said grabbing adrians arm and dragging him home.

"uh why don't we just tell them we're hanging with friends." adrian suggested. i sighed. "yeah jay, don't be lame." kairi said. "yeah jordyn, don't be lame." mattia said with a smirk.

i rolled my eyes , "fine, but just for a bit, it's cold." i said. "have my sweatshirt." adrian and mattia said at the same time.  the three of us looked at each other.  i took adrians, "thank you." i said. i turned to mattia and see him clenching his teeth.

"let's play soccer?" kairi asked. everyone agreed and we all walked to the soccer field. i walked behind everyone while they were talking to adrian. "jordyn, jay, please talk to me." mattia said while walking next to me. "walk away mattia." i said.

"jordyn please." he said grabbing my arm. i stopped. "don't touch me." i said. he let go of my arm, "what do you want me to say mattia?" i asked him. he stated quiet. "i miss you jay." he mumbled. i don't understand this boy, " yeah well i miss the old mattia, the one who had a heart, the one that really cared about me, the one that gave me flowers and my favorite snacks, i miss the mattia that took me out of my comfort zone. but now i don't think i could ever get him back." i told him. at this point i was a crying mess.

"just tell everyone i didn't feel well." i said and walked away, mattia just stood there as i left, i finally told him how i felt, i miss the old mattia. fine he can date cynthia but i don't want anything to do with the mattia that came back from social bash. i guess you can say i'm heartbroken since that day that picture was posted. wit the things that went on the night before he left, my feelings for him were real and now i've lost them and i'm not sure i'll ever get them back.

author's corner
omg wow this was eventful wouldn't you say?
this is probably my favorite chapter !!

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