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*A/N: Trying to match the thrill and fun jungle boy became I took a while before writing again.

There'll be POV changes and side ships, stay tuned.

Have some cocky Jimin and Jungkook 😳 this gonna be spiceyy
Be ready.*

*Jimin POV*

"Wait so you actually used my shoes for your robbery?"
"I couldn't help it, mine were already showing my big toe."
"A mans shoes are his pride"
"As well as his studio, his yoghurt and his underwear, I've heard it all before."
"My pride is big okay?"
"Correct.My toe is as well."
"Right.Wait, what?"
"Let's just leave already, I'm feeling hot."
"I'm still not okay with what you did to my favorite pair of boxer shorts though"

Once we arrived at the occasion, we were greeted by Taehyung, who was carrying out the duty of the doorman today.
"Jimin! ♡"He waved and looked like a big puppy while doing so.
How could he be covered in black leather and wear this kinda face at the same time?
The dood was a mystery to me.
Out of pure idiocy he jumped up on Yoongi who definitely looked less than accepting of this kind of physical contact.The hug was a short one.
Well it was supposed to be.
Actually every time Yoongi tried to loosen the grown mans grip around his neck he just seemed to cling on more.It was quite comparable to being stuck in quicksand.
I nodded, Taehyung was a "sandy guy".But after considering that it wasn't quite the best nickname I dismissed these thoughts and snapped back to reality where Yoongi was currently begging for help.

I felt bad for Taehyung, even though he was probably the reason why their relationship wasn't going anywhere.
Couldn't he be more honest with him?

The party was already reaching it's climax when we arrived.
There were a lot of shady people, getting drunk and selling each other lies.
All of a sudden, Yoongi took my hand"hey, you know I'm with you so you don't need to be nervous, alright?".
I suddenly felt like..
Like pinching his balls?
Making this reaaally pained cry come out from between his lips.
"Who do you think I am?Don't treat me like a kid." I snorted.
Then I made my way for the snack bar.
It was only a matter of time till' Jung Hoseok would find us, so I was going to enjoy myself until the evening would be ruined.

I had made my way from the sandwiches to the cocktails with the pretty colors, in no time as I gazed through the crowd, in worry of meeting Hoseok soon.
Noticing my concerned expression, Yoongi poked me in the side and asked "Do you think the one from yesterday might be here?You know, the one who saw you..?".
"How'd I know?Just give me some more time, once I have downed five more of these I won't even be able to tell you apart from a lama if I'd have to."
"Come on ~ You can't do this to me." He whined.
"Watch me."
"Stop with that nonsense.You were the one who said it's important to find him!"
"Find who?" A voice behind us wallowed over the ones of the mass.
"EEK"I made, jumping a little "damn you, Jung Hoseok, I almost spilled my drink!".
Then I went on to simulating being a lunatic and told my drink "It's okay, daddy won't stop holding you.".
It goes without saying that at this part of the evening, I was already a little tipsy.
"Ugh, Jimin stay serious, I want to get out of here." Yoongi begged.
I pouted and was about to tell my drink that 'someone is in a bad mood', but I pulled myself out of it since I had seen something way more entertaining than my imaginary buddy made of liquor.

Yesterday I had stolen the jewelry of a famous old queen at some historical museum.
It wasn't a difficult job for me, and everything went rather smoothly until..
Well until another thief showed up.
It should be common knowledge that two thieves robbing one museum in the same night is a pretty rare occurrence and so I was pretty startled as I was but..
Something about the stranger wouldn't leave my mind.

While Yoongi and Hoseok were giving each other death stares and somehow managing to move their mouths while maintaining those grimaces, I locked eyes with a dark haired man, standing on the other side of the room.
He wore a bold smile that fit very well with his martini, but it dropped for a split second when his view fell onto me.
I downed my drink and shoved myself onto Hoseoks chest, purring "Won't you tell me a little 'bout that handsome motherfucker over there, sweety?"
Hoseoks eyes grew big, which was only to be expected, since he had undeniably fallen for me years ago.
"W-who" he nervously searched for the man who had brought this moment onto him.Since he was so puzzled I decided to help him out and directed his chin towards the handsome behind the fuss.
My slender fingers brushed against his skin a last time as I whispered "I'm sure you can help me out, dear don".
"Huh?oh..uhm..that's Jeon Jungkook, I'm surprised you haven't heard of him, he's quite famous for.." He stocked.
"Fooor~..?" I asked and teasingly slid my hand over his crotch.
"F-for his bloodline, h-hey don't- uh-.. he's the son of a famous master thief and he, uh,  appears to be quite skilled when it comes to cracking a s-safe." Hoseok tried his best.
My cocky smile vanished as I let go of the dissapointed man who probably would have a sleepless night that day, and took two glasses of martini from the cocktail bar.

*A/N: Don't worry, it's natural to have questions 😂the real story starts now. who else hears their sope sirens ring?
Hmm let's see~~*

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