Chapter ~5~

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*A/N: A soft chapter ~~
Honestly I'm feeling guilty for introducing Taegi first even though it's a Jikook ff skbgjqkdj
But it's necessary.
For my own stability 😂*

*Yoongi POV*

How did I find myself locked in Taehyungs gaze on a bed that was not even mine and with his arms blocking my way to escape?
"Y-you what are you-" I stuttered.
"I'm sorry hyung, I just- I've been trying so hard to surpress it but-"Taehyung seemed super desperate and when I looked closely.. Just a little, what do I say, a tiny bit of sadness could be felt.
I gulped to calm my pouting heart, and wore my best " hyung" expression while I cupped the trembling boys face.
"Hey, calm down, just get down and talk to be okay?" I tried to reach into his mind.
He looked pained.
"Please, just a little" he begged and leaned in for a soft kiss.
Maybe it was his way of testing out the waters.
"Taehyung" I gasped and at the mention of his name he flinched.
His eyes looked so sad.
His eyes that moment made me soft and gave me the feeling that this was more than just about some kind of passion welling up.
"Shh" I said and hugged him tight while my thin fingers carrassed his hair.

I had realized that Taehyung wasn't the guy he pretended to be.
But strangely I didn't feel upset about him hiding that from me.
I felt a little embarrassed, confused but majorly worried.
"Tae" I said, making sure he stayed conscious "I get it, but please don't do this okay?You're gonna hurt yourself in the end".
Taehyung nodded and tried to get down from me but I hugged him tighter " I didn't mean to say 'don't get close to me', just so you know".

With those last words of mine he relaxed and wore a reassured expression as he snuggled into my nape.

"Will you tell me what's going on?" I asked after a few minutes of breathing and appreciating the warmth of the other.
He looked at me from the side, with his big eyes and pressed his lips together in guilt.

"I'm sorry hyung" he mumbled.
And this time his natural cuteness took over.
How could this sweet baby ever jump me like a hungry lion?
I looked at him in awe and slowly, carefully, reached toward his jaw.
I was nervous, but I knew he wouldn't jump me again, it was more like I found myself scared he would reject me.

Why did I think so?
Even though he was going for me just a few minutes ago.
"Hey" I said "It's fine, I'm not upset. But please tell me what is going on."
I'm worried for you

Slowly he distanced himself from me on the bed and sat up.
"I'm a sex addict hyung"
He admitted.
I didn't think it through when I asked him.
Was he really serious?

"I first..met you back at the mansion, you remember?After Hoseok picked you up that night.You seemed really panicked and irritated..
I somehow got really conscious and was worried what you might think about me.
So I tried to cheer you up.
You know, with that cutesy attitude..
And it worked.
I felt like I couldn't change my demeanor by then, not only because you knew me like that but..also cause I didn't want to seem like what I am.
A sex addict.I thought I'd pick out the personality that opposed me the most."

That was kind of an overwhelming information.Why did he go so far?
"So does that thought you'd scare me away if you were to be honest?"

He nodded.
I gulped "Oh Taehyung".
" You know there's no point to acting fake right?"
"I know that, I really do, hyung."
"Please be honest to me from now on"
He finally looked at me and I could see the tears streaming down his face.
"From now on?"
"Yes, come here"
I said and hugged him, wiping his tears.

There was still so much I didn't know about Tae.But this was a start.

*Jimin POV*

When I returned from my bath my whole bed was kind of messy, how did that happen?
Also the room smelled different.
I needed to ask Yoongi about that later.

It was 1 am and I felt like falling into a deep sleep but then a message reached me.

"Suppressed phone number:
I need to see you.Open the door."

Who on earth?
Who on earth was DUMB enough to assume I'd actually do that?
I felt very disrespected and upset.
My thumbs typed "Fuck you" faster than my mind could process it.

But the strange message didn't stop bugging me after I tried to sleep so I spit out of the window just to calm my mind.

*Jungkook POV*

I felt a raindrop on my head but the wheather report hadn't said anything about rain at all.

What's with this punk?Why is he so hard to reach?
I thought to myself , then decided to let myself in with a pointy, flexible object I had found on the floor.

Annoyed, I ran up the stairs.
I had waited long enough to meet Jimin.
The guy didn't know what was good for him.
Ever since we met he had avoided me.

"What, are they throwing a party I don't know of?" Taehyung greeted me at the doorstep.
He looked like he had just awoken.
"What are YOU doing here!?"
I was perplexed.
"Opening the door for you, can't you see?" He commented and cleared the way for me in.
"What's that ruckus?" Yoongis voice could be heard.
"Fuck, you didn't actually open the door Taehyung!Who knows who could've come in.Why of all people is it this guy?!" Jimin sighed dramatically.
"I have something to talk about"
"I prefer a bullet in my head"
"Request rejected"
"Wait where is everyone"
They had gone to bed.
"Well now that it's just you and me, won't you listen to me?"

*A/N: noone besides Jimin actually sees Jungkook as a thread lolol*

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