Chapter ~2~

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*Jimin POV*

"And then they all died"
"That's not the best ending for a children's book, Namjoon"
"But it works.
The parents think it's very educational"
"That you shouldn't trust a stranger with wide shoulders and a handsome face leading you into the woods?"
"No!That you should wash your face less, because dirt promises a good camouflage in such situations AND is good for your immune system"

Namjoon sighed "I guess this genre doesn't fit me".
A moment later Taehyung collapsed onto the table ,making Yoongi instinctively move closer to me.
"Guys I'm late, I'm sorry!Hoseok wouldn't let me go" he whined and moved closer to Yoongi.
"Park Jimin"
"The odds have chosen you as my new pillow" Yoongi said and fell asleep on my lap, ditching the whole situation.
"The instant knock-out technique, huh?"Namjoon giggled.
"I have no idea how he does that" I mumbled.
"That's unfair~~ I wanted to tease him a little more" Taehyung cried out.
He was actually well aware of how flustered he was making the cat-like bean on my lap.
"You're a devil, how long are you gonna play all innocent?" Namjoon asked, causing Tae to smirk "who knows?".
As he said that I noticed a weird tension between the two, which I couldn't quite grasp.
"Anyway!" I shouted "Why are we meeting up right now?".
Namjoon had called us to eat at our favorite place but wanted to wait till we had all arrived to discuss his matter.
"Well actually" Taehyung stated "it wasn't only Hyung who needed an ear".

I had known Yoongi and Namjoon for quite some time, so I trusted them like no one else.
But I still hadn't had Taehyung figured out quite that well.
I couldn't read his expression.
"I heard that Jeons men are after you"
"Sorry?Are we in some mafia movie now?"
"It's true, I heard Hoseok and Jeons manager talk"
"Haah.... That wrinkle dick.."
"Excuse me?"
"It's nothin' "
Taehyung cocked his head then seemed to have remembered something because he reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope.
"That's not all tho!Strangely Hoseok gave me this just this morning.Said I should give it to you."
"What is it?"
"An invitation!" Taehyung smiled and went to pat Yoongis butt but thankfully I noticed quickly because Yoongi was wiggling his head on my lap.

The note was pretty shady.
It was about a new underground organization called "bangtan" which they wanted me to be part of.
"So what are you thinking?"
Taehyung asked, sparkly eyed.
I ripped the paper in a half
"No way ,man.I'm good on my own, also no one other than Jung Hoseok sent this, it's trash".
Tae seemed dissapointed but Namjoon nodded "Also screw this name, "bangtan" ".
"Huh?"Taehyung and I went, simultaneously.
"How do YOU know what it's called?"
I asked, suspicious.
He pulled a white letter out of his pocket "I got one as well."
"Is this an invitation for his fanclub?"I asked, disturbed by the idea.

*Yoongi POV*

I had been successfully deceiving Jimin for a week after the party.
The money I had hidden was what we lived off now.
I had told him that I had some savings, but I bet he wouldn't believe me for another week.
That's just too much money.

As time went by I noticed Jimin not sleeping well, probably he was worried for what was to come when we ran out of money.
He knew how to survive but he was human after all.
I knew that he would never admit to any weakness though.
Jimin was too proud to trust others fully, which I could relate to pretty well.

After all we started living together because of that pride of ours.

I pulled a white envelope out of my pocket.
Hoseok surely didn't plan anything good, he never did.
If it wasn't for him we wouldn't be in this situation.
He always made us suffer but gave us an opportunity to get out of misery, that's how he fed his ego.
And still I had this weird sense of companionship once I saw him.
I wondered if it was because he was familiar. He had been tormenting us so casually for years after all.

I was worried for Jimin in the first place.I was worried every night I noticed him having nightmares.
It wasn't unusual for him but never this frequently.
So I did the thing I did best.
I sat down at my desk and started my computers, ready to hack into all of Jung Hoseoks dirty secrets.

*Hoseok POV*

"They are coming!"
"The police is coming, fast, hide!"
"Time to get out of here!"
I looked up to my older hyung and grabbed his bloody hand, worried.
"What's wrong, little one?Don't worry, they won't get me."
I gulped.
My small fingernails dug into his skin before he picked me up and left, getting the blood of his victim all over my new pullover.
I didn't know what was right ,from the moment I was born.
Basically raised to be a demon, I never stopped doubting my family.
The doubt grew only bigger and bigger once I reached puberty.
But I couldn't leave.
I couldn't fight the demaged core of this family of my blood.
They were all I had.
Until I met Yoongi.
Day after day I learned things other kids wouldn't.
I'd go to school but not regularly.
No one wanted me to go there anyways.
Not my relatives, who cared more about whether I was able to hold a gun properly and steadily or not, nor my teachers and classmates, who only had glares for the son of a mafia boss.

Yoongi was said to be an orphan, they didn't know much else about him.
He was in the same IT class as me, the teacher liked him a lot.
But Yoongi never cared for any attention.
So one day I asked him out of the blue "Is life fun for you?Earning pity right and left?".
And I myself didn't know why I said that.
He irritated me, but I was never the one to pick a fight.
Anyway I couldn't stop myself from teasing him day in, day out.
The words just dropped once I saw him, like Lego's for him to step on.
I was so frustrated by how things ended up to be after the accident.
He knew nothing.He could just live on.

I knew it was cruel, but deep inside I just wanted to get his attention no matter what.
So one day his friend picked a fight with me.
He was a slender guy, probably one of his fanclub members.
I didn't expect anyone to ever build up the courage to attack me.
But he did.
And naturally I won the fight.
I basically beat him till an inch of his life.
It came naturally.
And it was the first time that I realized I was living up to my families expectations and becoming the demon they had raised.
After that incident Yoongi left school.
I made sure to follow him.

*A/N: I'm so excited for introducing Jin more.Though he's a shady character.Probably the shadiest.*

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