Chapter ~10~

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*Yoongi POV*

"You wouldn't do something I don't want you to do" I said, trying to sound very convinced.
Of course I didn't know what Taehyung could do, hell I didn't even know him well.
At least now I knew for sure that what he had said about Jin and him was a lie.
"Taehyung, please let me help you" I begged.
Taehyung averted his gaze, then he fell back onto the bed.
"You really have the wrong picture of me hyung.I'm not a victim.Its true that Jin is an asshole but I am too.I don't deserve you."
He said and he sounded very collected all of a sudden.

"Do you really think you're going to make me stop with such a lousy excuse?
Don't you think you should've thought about this before you kissed me?" I was growing more and more irritated by his demeanor.
"Fuck Taehyung, I like you!" I could feel tears welling up inside my eyes, my shoulders shaking.

I couldn't see what kind of expression he was wearing but his hand pulling me in eased my anxiety a little.
" you mean it?"
I realized how lonely he had been when he said that.It made me sob even harder.
"Of course I do! Idiot."
He kissed me, and in that kiss I could feel his smile.He was happy.
"Don't let me go, Tae" I whispered and hugged him.

His hands carassed my hair ever so carefully while he tickled my neck with his breath.
"Hyung, I want to do it." He admitted, his voice raspy.
My heart skipped a beat.
I looked up.Taehyungs hair was almost covering his eyes.The light, falling in from outside, was very faint. Moonlight shun on his skin and by the way his eyes were staring holes into me I could tell he could hardly control himself.My poor boy.
Taehyung must have gone through so much to end up like this.
Any addiction is the sign of something missing and he seemed to have been missing a lot.

"Taehyung, slow down" I whispered gently, then I pushed him down from me.
I made his hips my seating and put my hands around his neck."Be patient boy"I asked of him.Considering our crotches were almost touching I was getting excited myself.
Taehyung had looked at me confusedly but in a way admiring, then he closed his mouth and buried his head in my nape.
"I'm proud of you" I said and kissed his fluffy hair.I took his head between my hands and made him look at me.
"I'm going to let you hold me but you need to be patient okay?" He nodded.

I sank my hips slowly, our crotches touched.
When I started moving both of us let out soft moans.
He collapsed onto my nape again.
He was trying real hard to control himself, it made me feel tense but proud at the same time.
"Hyung..can I touch your chest?" He breathed."Mhhyes" my chest tingled when he said that but it did even more when he actually touched it.
His fingercubs brushed against my ribs, to my sides.His hand could be seen under my shirt, acting like it belonged there.
When I blushed thanks to his tender touch on my nipples I avoided my gaze and stopped moving for a moment, to which I received an upset growl toward my neck.

"Haah Tae, do..more.." I panted.
He pushed me down once again and from me my pants.I decided it was time to take off his shirt which turned out harder than I thought it was gonna be.We giggled, then melted into another kiss.
Taehyung was molded like a Greek statue so I was a bit reluctant to touch his chest.
He noticed , took my hand, traced it over his chest ,then kissed my palm while watching me.Taehyung leaned over to whisper into my ear and held his thumb in front of my mouth "lick it baby" he commanded.
I didn't know what he was planning but still did it."Pff, not like that honey" he laughed seductively. I stared at him, confused.
He realized I didn't understand so he decided to show me."Here" he whispered and pushed my mouth open, then he put his finger in.
"Now you lick it"
Short after I understood what he had planned to do.At first it felt weird having his thumb inside me and it became rather annoying when he spread me but after he added another finger and another I grew impatient.
"H-how many more?You can't be that big."
I complained."You think so?" He laughed.
"Open your pants already"
"Didn't you say to be patient?" He teased me.
"Yes but..its unfair"
"What is?"
"I'm all exposed and your still dressed." I whispered, embarrassed.
He sighed, then unbuckled his belt.
I watched, my heart almost beating out of my chest, as he opened the zipper and took out his erected member in one go.
My eyes grew big, I went into a daze.
"So should I loosen you some more after all?" He asked, with a cocky grin.
"N-no mhh, just do it~" I begged and raised my hips,avoiding his gaze.
"You're too adorable" he said, I felt his tip at my entrance.
My body tensed up as he put it in slowly.
"Mhh you're tight baby"
"I know, idiot."
"So that's your kind of dirty talk?"
My hole was stretched as he glid into me.
His movements were very gentle and I stopped hurting really soon.
It only grew faster paced and rough near the climax since I begged him to do me harder.
We became a mess.

*A/N: yes yeah..I'm..guilty..for making an entire Taegi focused chapter 👉👈 (and more) khh*

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