Chapter ~6~

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*Jungkook POV*

"Could you sit any farther away?"
"Life is good, I value life"
I sighed and put my hat down on the table.
Eyeing my messy hair he unconsciously brushed his hair back.
I chuckled, not everything had changed.

He looked at me in confusion.
"You're pretty cute actually"
"Did you come to confess to me?"
"Actually, it's not that fancy of a matter"
"Everyone confesses to me sooner or later, you're just a late bloomer."
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"Why did you come today?"
He grimly dodged my question.

"Don't join bangtan"
"We all know Jung Hoseok only invited you because he has a crush on you"
"That- Do you even know who you're talking to? I'M A MASTERTHIEF"
"You'd just get in the way"
"Hmpf" it seemed he had calmed down "well ,we'll see about that!I'm gonna join bangtan! And I'm gonna prove you wrong, you talentless silver spoon!"

That day I walked out of his house triumphantly.
He actually bit.It was so easy manipulating Park Jimin.
Even though I should've felt good my mood dropped when I thought back to his hostile behavior.
It wasn't as bad as when we first met.
But still the thought that he didn't remember our past pierced my heart.
He wasn't the Jimin I knew.
I had to deal with that fact one way or another.

*Taehyung POV*

I awoke right beside Yoongi.
He was curled up in a ball like a kitten, did he always wake up that way?
I leaned over his head and looked at him in awe
"Oh hyung, who would've thought we'd end up like this?"
I had been so deeply lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Jimins footsteps.

"You better won't hurt him, bitch"
Jimin said in his usual demeanor I knew way too well.
Somehow it made me smile.

But then my pants started to vibrate.

"Uhm, you went this far?"
"Y-you're wrong!It's my phone!- ye-yes Hoseok what is it?It's my day off you know~"
Jimin cocked his head.
"Overseas?Now? I understand..ya, I surely won't tell them that, you lewd-"
He hung up.

"Looks like Hoseoks needs an escort"
I said, looking at Jimin.
"I'm gonna pack ma stuff"
"You're coming?!"
My eyes lit up.
He pushed his chin forward "well I cannot leave you alone with Yoongi, can I?"

*Jimin POV*

Jeon Jungkook was the first one I noticed when we arrived.
He wore a very casual outfit, but I had only seen him in suits till now.
His reddish brown fluff hair made a "bounce" when he turned his head and noticed I had arrived.
In my mind I was like look at you, you're a sucker for me ain't ya
But actually I felt kind of shook, admiring the collar bones that his white shirt exposed.

Taehyung hurried over to take Hoseoks luggage.
Me and him seemed to have noticed the strange man at the same time because he gasped when he looked his way.
A broad shouldered, suspicious-looking male stood at the counter and observed them.
He was wearing eye glasses so I couldn't really tell.

Jungkook and Yoongi had noticed him too.
They shot forward through the crowd and surrounded him.
"Sorry mister but do you have any business with us?"
The stranger trued to escape their hostile energy and made a step towards Hoseok.
They threw themselves on the shady figure like wrestlers and howled playfully.
That's when they received Hoseoks attention.
"The fuck are you guys doing?Bad dogs!Get off!" He lectured.
The stranger stood up as if nothing had happened.

"Do you know this guy?"
"Rude."the stranger commented as he wiped his clothes.
"He's Jin, my personal hacker or something like that".
Jin took off his sunglasses and snorted
"You guys are as stupid as ever"
"Excuse me, do I know you?" Yoongi asked.
'Jin' slowly approached Yoongi.
Then he extended his arm and grabbed his nose.
"The fuck- what are you-"
"So childish"
"That hurts"
"Your nose is as squishy as ever"

"Uhm, did I come at the wrong time?"
Namjoon, who arrived to a weird scene, asked.

Taehyung had stood silent at the other side of the quarrel.

*Taehyung POV*

I didn't think hyung would join us.
Going on a trip with Yoongi, Namjoon AND jin hyung would be mortifying.
When the ship casted off he approached me secretly.
"Did you find a place to sleep yesterday?You look like you slept well"
"Shut up, I don't wanna see you"

He growled
"What was that?"
I think my heart dropped into my pants.
"Uh, nothing, hyung, I'm sorry hyung, please dun be mad, I'm gonna be a good baby boy, promise."
He pressed my ass against the railing and I was afraid he'd push me.
"Please stop-" I begged and gripped onto his shirt in fear.
I knew I couldn't revolt against him.
"You better watch your mouth when you're with me, dirty hoe"I was shaking at this point, but hearing his words I was positive he wasn't going to push me off the ship.
That's why I avoided his gaze.
"Oh baby, sorry~" he cooed, changing his demeanor in a split second "You're just too cute when you're scared.You know you shouldn't test hyung, right?" His voice was sweet but he was still intimidating.
In that moment I couldn't help but hate him.
I knew I needed him and I couldn't escape him, but my hatred resided.

This is all your fault, Park Jimin

*A/N: coming closer to some alone time for our boys 😯☝*

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