Chapter ~9~

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*Taehyung POV*

After Jin had finished off and left to our shared room, I ran into Jungkook in the hallway.
"I was hoping to get to talk to you in private" he said.
It was true, we hadn't had the chance to talk since school had ended.
But back then we had all agreed to not mention those times again.
Things had changed since we were teens and not for the better I supposed.

"Look, I'm not going to ask you for your life story but can you at least tell me in what kind of relationship Jimin stands to Hoseok?"
Jungkook asked.
I felt bitter but not surprised.
"You..since he beat you to a pulp you couldn't get your eyes off him huh?Ahh..forget it."
I groaned, the whole ordeal with their relationship wasn't something I was going to get involved with.
Its just that sometimes I got remembered of all the time we spent together and the small shy Jungkook he had been before..when we were still friends.
Until Jimin showed up again.
He should've never showed up again.
Why couldn't he have just stayed in prison?

But it was true, even Jungkook deserved a punishment.He just wasn't the highest up my list.
"I heard Jimin slept with Hoseok for money" I said nonchalantly, uninterested in what kind of feelings my words might've steered up in my old friend.

I needed to leave.
"Tae wait!" Jungkook shouted when I turned around.
"Another have you been?"
He really wasn't the small cute Jungkook I knew.He might've been the only one who evolved since the time of the accident.

The accident where Jimin and Yoongi lost their memories.

Their past selves left like that, leaving a deep wound in all of our hearts, especially Hoseoks and Jungkooks.
I felt that Hoseok had grown tired of loving Yoongi after some time.
But Jungkook was still the same even after so much time had passed.

And now he asked me how I've been...
"What do I say? I'm surviving" I told him with a smile.The old wounds had healed since I worked for Hoseok, so he couldn't see what I was going through.

*Namjoon POV*

"We're almost there" I told Hoseok who had fallen asleep.
He looked really gloomy.Hoseok was a different person when he was with Jin, Taehyung or me.He was the Don.
Not one of your average 29 year olds.
Hoseok wasn't in a good mood.
" you think it was a bad idea to bring all of them together again?"
He had never asked me for my opinion, this was a first.
"Keep your friends close but your enemies closer right?" I chuckled.
"To do what.." Hoseok mumbled.

I could see he was innerly torn.
Even I knew that all those years Hoseok had carried a huge weight on his shoulders.
Hoseok was the only one who could see the whole picture and additionally he had sworn himself to protect Jimin.

Even if that included making him believe he had a crush on him and keeping him on a short leash.
What would have happened to Jimin if he and Yoongi had kept all the money?
If it wasn't safely kept in the hands of a don?
Even Yoongi had probably figured by now.
He just couldn't admit to it.
Without Jung Hoseok Jimin and Yoongi would already share a nice and comfy cell in prison.

*Jin POV*

"Do you think Hoseok knows something?"
Taehyung asked.
I grinned "oh honey, don't you worry~ Whatever happens, you'll get your revenge on Jimin.Just leave it to me.".
I could see him gulp.
Hoseok had no clue what I was up to.
He didn't think much of me in the first place.
The top that had gotten bullied by his bottoms? The one that vomited in class because of a bun stuffed in his throat messily? The one they had to pick up from the bar at unsightly times.
Someone like that couldn't be this bold, no.
Someone like that could never have planted a bomb to rip Park Jimin into shreds.
No way?Surely yes.

Taehyung would go as far as to loose his freedom in exchange for Park Jimins punishment.
And what Taehyung can give I can give too.
But I wouldn't let them take him away from me.

"We'll arrive soon"

The evening was close when we checked into the noble hotel on the west coast.
Hoseok appeared to have business here, scheduled at different times of the day.

I felt like having some fun with Namjoon while there, so I told Taehyung to take another room.

*Taehyung POV*

"What? Got kicked out by your boyfriend?"
"Good night hyung"
"Its just a little weird you know?That you'd have to sleep in a room with me when your boyfriends room has a perfectly functioning bed?"
"Hyung please-"
"But then again who'd really want to sleep in the same bed with a boyfriend like that?"
"HYUNG!" I shouted.
I wasn't in the mood for a fight.
What had been said had been said and I wouldn't go back on my statement.

If Yoongi was to get too close to me ,our plan might crackle or he could get hurt.
None of both sounded worth the risk.

"I don't know why you're lying, why can't you just tell me when you don't like me?
Or is he threatening you?
Taehyung I don't want to see you like this"
He preached.
I pressed my head into the cushion and bit my lip.

I wanted sex.

Even when I could still feel Jins disgusting touch on my skin.I knew it was weird.
I felt so annoyed and nervous, I couldn't other but think about it.

"Taehyung talk to me, please." Yoongi said, his hand almost touched my head.
My hand gripped around his wrist before I knew it.
"Hyung stop, stop or I might do something bad." I heard myself say.

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