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'Zzz, Zzz'
Mo groaned to the sound of his phone vibrating. "The fuck.." after a few seconds of trying to get back to sleep, he finally gave in and checked to see who was repeatedly calling him. The phone read, 'He Tian' and after staring at his phone with a frown for a minute he answered it and growled, "do you have any idea what fucking time it is? Don't bother me.."
"Good morning Mountain! Hurry up and get dressed into something nice, I'll be at your house in 20. You better get ready... or else!"
"Or else what? I'm not scared of you, fuck off"
Guan Shan was too tired to care about He tians threats so he turned his phone off and went back to sleep.

About 15 minutes later, guan Shan woke up to the sound of someone violently knocking on his door. Luckily his ma wasn't home.. completely oblivious guan Shan left his room without a shirt and unlocked his front door, "Bastard what do you wa-" he was cut off by a large raven haired he tian pinning him down on the sofa. "I knew you wouldn't get up so i got here early."
Guan Shan gulped and sighed. "W-where are we going?" "Get ready and I'll show you" he tian smirked and leaned closer, pecking the lil mountains cheek. "Ah, g-get off me you bastard" Guan Shan managed to escape He Tian's grip and left the room to take a shower and get dressed. He didn't really have any "proper fancy" clothes so he just wore a smart pair of black jeans and a long sleeved shirt. And of course he wore the black studs that he tian gave him earlier.
"Alright let's go.." he sighed. Catching he's gaze, "S-stop staring at me like that.." he blushed before opening the door. He made sure to lock it up behind the two, "alright so.. where you taking me?"
"That's a surprise, lil mo~" tian wrapped his arm around Guan Shan's shoulders and held him close, he took Mo to an expensive looking town. As the two were walking down the lighted up walk way, mo couldn't help but cringe at all the prices he saw on the way. "Holy shit.." he mumbled.
"What's up lil mo?" "Nothing, d-don't worry"
He tian stopped and looked into mo's eyes, "aww, I'm curious now.." mo pushed He tian back but he didn't move at all, since he tian is stronger and all. "Let's j-just hurry.. you said we'll be late, right?" Mo guan Shan tried to change the subject. He didn't want to tell He tian that this felt like a.. a Date!
He tian hummed and put his arm back around Guan Shan's shoulders. They both stopped in front of a fancy looking restaurant. It was a different one than before. Guan Shan gulped, as they walked he couldn't help but feel a little... out of place? "Fuck.. H-he tian.." he whispered as he tugged on his shirt. "A table for two please" tian said to the waiter. He nodded and escorted the two to a table.
The two sat down opposite each other. "What's all this? Why did you take me here?" Mo questioned, feeling a bit uneasy. He tian quickly picked up the fact that Mo didn't deal comfortable in such a fancy place. "Hey, it's alright. I heard they sell really good food here so I brought you here. Also, I have somewhere else where I'd like to take you, right after we've eaten" guan Shan blushed and leaned his elbows on the table. He nodded and the two ordered what they wanted. Mo didn't understand anything on the menu so he just got the same as He Tian.
"Aww Mo, you're so cute when you're confused" mo frowned and hit tian, not too hard, under the table. "Shuddup.."
after they both ate, they stayed and talked for a little. Mo stretched his hands out on the table, and he tian did the same, both of their hands intertwining. Mo couldn't help but blush so he looked away.
"Wanna get outta here?" Tian asked the flustered momo. "Yeh, sure" once he tian payed and left the restaurant, the sky has already gotten darker. The two walked down a familiar looking road and stopped by a large park which had a bridge and a river, covered in fairy lights.
Mo's eyes lit up as he and he tian both walked over it. Mo guan Shan smiled and leaned over the bridge. "Oh shit.." he mumbled looking down at the river.
"Mo guan Shan.." he tian called out, "what were you talking about earlier. When we were headed to the restaurant?" Guan Shan took a step back and stood in front of he tian. "I-I was just thinking that this.. all seemed a bit like a.. D-Date" "I thought so too" he tian grinned. "Follow me" before guan Shan could say anything he was already being pulled by His raven haired Demon. He lead the two into an empty forest, they were both surrounded by trees and more lights.
"Ah H-he tian.. what is all this?" instead of responding, he tian answered by pushing guan Shan against a tree and slamming his warm, soft lips on the speechless Male in front of
Him. "A-Ah.." tian raised his hands inside his Mountains shirt as the kiss deepened, becoming more and more passionate. He tian turned the two around and slid down the tree, he placed mo into his lap without breaking the kiss. "Mo guan Shan.. I love you." Guan Shan rested his head on he tians and gasped for air, "I-I" he blushed and dug his face into he's neck. "Love you too"
Credits to absolutemadlad24 for requesting this fic, hope u like it :3
979 words //

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