Heavy drinking

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"Tsk.. bastard she li.." mo got into yet another fight.. this time with She li. It wasn't a full on fist fight but instead an argumentative one which lead the two getting detention. It was already getting dark by the time Mo Guan Shan has left school. The school contacted his mother and there was no way he was gunna go home.. he didn't want to disappoint his Mum but he knew that was already the case..
With nothing to do and the spare change Guan Shan has left in his pocket, he decided to get a few alcoholic drinks. Might as well since he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Once he bought a few cans, he sat on a random bench in an empty, dark park and let out a sigh before opening his drink and taking a few sips. The thought of that dick, She Li talking shit about his loved ones made Mo furrow his eyebrows even more. He took a few more larger gulps. He didn't care at all this point.. "fucking dick..." he growled as he finished up his drink and crushed it in is palm. He tossed it in the bin beside him and took another can. Drinking it, perhaps Too fast.
He felt his cheeks beginning to heat up a bit as he felt himself getting a little tipsy. Mo immediately finished his drink and tossed it into the bin again. He hummed and stood up taking yet Another drink. Guan Shan began to walk. He didn't think at all where he was going as his mind was completely blank. He just walked to wherever his legs took him. The sky was now veryyy dark. God knows how Long Mo has been out for but it was obvious that it was already late. Guan Shan stumbled into an expensive looking building which had many apartments in. Mo already had an idea of which apartment he was headed to since he went every so often. The drunkard stopped in front of He Tians apartment. He didn't know why he came here of all places but right now he wasn't thinking straight.
Guan Shan knocked a few times however there was no answer.. he then tried knocking a bit harder, "Oii get yo-ur ass over here and unlock the door..." Mo's words were all slurred, he proceeded to knock and finally someone opened the door. "Little mo do you have any idea how late it is?" He tian questioned with a frown. "I'm cold lemme I-n" "Eh hey..." he tian moved to the side, well he was more pushed to the side. he scratched his head in confusion. "MoMo are you okay?" He question in consideration for his Lil mo.
Guan Shan approached He tian and tapped his bare chest. "Wh-at are you t-talking about you di ck.." Mo hiccuped in between each word making it pretty obvious that he was drunk. He stumbled onto He Tian's chest and hugged him tightly, "He tiaaan, I neeed you.." he tian couldn't help but chuckle at this so called 'delinquent' standing in front of him right now. But He actually kinda liked it so The ravenette decided to play along. "Oh? What do you need mo?" Mo pushed He tian back onto the sofa behind them and sat in his lap, facing him. "I need youuu" mo exclaimed. As he began to unbutton his shirt, he tians eyes widened as he placed his hands on Mo's small waist. "Woahh wait a second Momo. You're gunna kill me In the morning. You're gunna blame me for all this.."
he tian grinned and placed his finger on Mo's lips. "How did you even end up like this?" Mo hugged He tian tightly and mumbled, "She li" guan Shan began to suck and lick on Tians neck leaving a few hickeys. He tian frowned from the mention of She li but soon smiled at Mo's actions. He knew that if he went any further then Mo would definitely hate He tian forever. He tian stood up with Mo still in his arms. Mo held on tighter and wrapped in legs around His ravenette "Right, you obviously can't go home In this state so you're sleeping here tonight" Guan Shan chuckled as he tian put him down gently on the bed. In order to do so he had to hover over him closely. Mo saw this as an opportunity and slammed his lips on He tians. Intertwining his fingers through He's hair.
He tian of course kissed back passionately. After about 2 minutes, he tian broke the kiss and wiped his lips. He looked down at Guan Shan and saw that Mo was so hot and sweaty from drinking so much. His school shirt was unbuttoned revealing his chest and abs and mo was having difficulties with his heavy breathing. This sight left He Tian speechless. "Little mo, are you trying to seduce me? You're making this so difficult for me ya know" He tian chuckled as he bent down and began to kiss Mo's neck gently. Making sure not to leave any marks.
"Ah" mo let out a small moan as he tian must've found a soft spot. He proceeded to kiss the same spot which left him satisfied with Guan Shan's lustful expressions. He tian gradually became tired since it was already 5:26am. His Mo had kept him up at around 2:43. "Mo aren't you tired. I feel like I'm going to pass out soon.." he tian groaned as he wrapped mo up in the covers and held his strong arm around him. "Try and get some sleep now. You should be sober now anyway." "Mmm.. it's too hot.." Mo kicked the blanket off of the both of them as he began to fully remove his shirt and trousers. "Yeah.. go to sleep now" he tian demanded. He wrapped his arm around the Male and held him close to his chest. Guan Shan hummed and turned around so he was facing His ravenette. Mo hugged him tightly and gradually fell asleep. He tian grinned and hugged back as they both slept together that night.
"Hmm.. Fuuuuck..." Guan Shan groaned. His head was killing him. He was completely unaware of where he was for a bit until he realised that this wasn't his bed. And.. there was someone beside him? "He Tian.. what the fu-" He whispered. He was so close to his Ravenette. "Oi..." "Morning Little mo" He tian groaned. His eyes still half closed. "You caused a lot of trouble last night. Go back to sleep you kept me up till 6:00.." mo groaned as his head only got worse. "The ffuck happened?" "Nothing much.. we did have a hot night of sex though" mo gasped and moved a lil further away from he tian. Now noticing the love bites on his neck. "W-Wha? Seriously?" He tian only chuckled and wrapped his arm around Guan Shan. "I'm kidding. You did get hella drunk and tried hitting it off with me though" "fucks sakeee" mo hid his face in embarrassment. "Don't be embarrassed. It was cute" he tian grinned and dug his face into Mo's neck. "I'm.. sorry.." Guan Shan looked away. He began to get memories from last night. "Are you apologising? Aww mo I forgive you a thousand times" he tian chuckled from seeing how flustered his Mountain was getting. Mo grinned a little and hugged he tian back.
"You said I tried getting it on with you... why did you stop me?" "I wouldn't when you were drunk like that. Your mind wasn't clear and I knew that you would hate me after anyway" mo guan Shan blushed a little. "I..thanks He Tian" "Hmm. It's alright Little mo" he grinned, hugging mo gently. Guan Shan hugged back and drifted off to sleep.
Oop, that took a while XD
..leave scenario suggestions pleaseeee :3
//currently unedited since it's like.. 2:43 I'll complete it tomorrow X3\\

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