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"Fuck....Fuck.....FUCK!" Mo guan Shan mumbled under his heavy panting breath, he gasped for air as he could feel himself getting tired.. but he couldn't let him catch up to him.
He was running.. running away from that bastard She li..
"Don't even try running Guan Shan, I'll catch up to you.. I'll make you beg for my forgiveness!" That damn maniac shouted, not caring who else heard him.. not like they could since There was barely anyone around them.


Mo guan Shan has just finished his final lesson. He packed his stuff and left almost immediately after the bell went.
The male rushed through the now crowded corridor but amongst all these people were she li, who grabbed the red head and brought him into the small janitors cupboard.
"the fuck!" Guan Shan mumbled under his breath as he looked up only to see She li..
"What the fuck do you want?"
"I'd watch your tone.. Mo guan Shan"
"I want you to stay away from he tian.. you have no idea how frustrating it is.. seeing you with him-"
"It ain't any of your Fucking business!"
"I TOLD YOU to watch your TONE"
She li raising his voice caught mo off guard. He wanted to leave but She li was barricading the door with his weight.
Seconds of silence.. and she li was the first to break it.. but in the worst way possible..
He slammed his lips onto guan Shan's!
Not allowing the red head to break it.. he held Mo's shoulders and pushed himself deeper into it..
He muttered into the forced kiss
Guan Shan managed to break free and once he did he punched She li square in the face. Making his lip bleed.
Catching him off guard Guan Shan went for the door and escaped. He ran until he was out of the school, looking around only to see the whole place empty.
"You FUCK!" She li was racing towards the red head. Making the Male fall back onto the hard concrete.
But Mo only got back up within seconds and legged it.


Mo began to panic. He approached an alley and ran down it but it was blocked off. He panted for air repeatedly as he scanned the area.
There was no where to go.. it was a dead end.
"Fuck.." he mumbled as he backed up against the wall only to see she li come into view, walking slowly towards the red head. He didn't look tired at all.
"What the hell do you want.. you fuck!"
She li frowned and approached mo.
Without saying anything he punched guan Shan round his face and pinned him up against the wall so forcefully.
"How many times do I have to fucking tell you.. watch your fucking tone when you're around me.. Mo guan Shan.. try pulling a stunt like you did earlier and see what happens..."
Mo guan Shan just stayed silent.. it was already getting dark and he was alone in an alley with she li..
He didn't know what to do.
"Then what the Fu...." he paused for a second "what do you want from me.." he asked. Refusing to make eye contact with the other.
She li laughed and picked up the others chin roughly so guan Shan was making eye contact.
Mo clenched his teeth and held onto the others wrists tightly. But he was a bit stronger than mo so he couldn't do a lot.

"I want you to come back to my gang ... guan Shan."
"No fucking way"
Again.. she li punched guan Shan but harder this time. The red head groaned trying to defend himself but that just got him another hit to the face.
"I'll say that again! Be min-"
"Get the FUCK away from me she li!"

These choices of words only angered she li.. he roughly pushed guan Shan on the floor making him grunt in pain, holding his arms behind his back as he pulled out a pocket knife which instantly caught Mo's attention.

"Now.. are you seriously going to make me ask again?"
"Get off.. I don't fucking want this"
She li frowned and brought the knife up to Mo's cheek. He held it close as he cut into him. Leaving a long streak of blood which slowly poured out. Mo held his eyes shut. Trying so hard to escape but there was no use.. he only made it worse since she li smacked his head up against the floor. Now making the boy see white stars.
"Oh guan Shan.. this was never about what you wanted. Now get up and come with me" he demanded
She li grabbed red heads hair and pulled him up of the ground. He got off of the now weak mo and went to stand up.
Mo took this as a perfect opportunity and used the bit of energy he had left to elbow she li straight in his stomach.
Guan Shan ran again. He looked and felt like shit.. and damn it did it hurt..
He used his sleeve to wipe the blood of his cheek but it still kept pouring down.. the blood smeared down his chin.. making him look like a bloody murderer victim..
The sky was already so dark, only being lit up by the few street lights.
"Fuck" he breathed out.. still running away from That fuck..
He ran down the road and saw someone who was approaching him. It was too hard to see but he knew it wasn't she li. his eyes began to get blurry and his body got weak but he kept running. He kept running until he fell into the grasp of... HE TIAN?
Guan Shan has never been so relieved to see he tian. He groaned once he hit his firm chest.


"Oh shit! GUAN SHAN?"
He heard a faint voice call out.
"He tian?" He finally snapped out of this dazed state and rubbed his temples.
"Fuck..." mo muttered.
"What the hell happened? Who were you running from?" He tian asked with worry in his voice as he held guan Shan. Supporting him as it was clear that he was so tired.
"Can you stand?"
He tian cupped Mo's cheeks and wiped the blood of with his thumb.
"Does it hurt?"
"A little.."
Guan Shan's eyes began to water but only a bit. He exhaled and rested his head on he tians chest which surprised the ravenette.
"I was chased... by she li.. he did this because he kissed me.. so I hit him.. a few times.. I attacked back and managed to get away but.. fuck.. it hurts"
guan Shan still had a stinging pain in his head, resting it on he tian made him feel only slightly better..
"You're fine now.." he tian assured as he hugged back and rested his chin on top of Guan Shan's head. He scanned the area and saw that bastard hiding behind a building. He was just watching the two. He tian glared back.. he needed to teach that fucker a lesson.

"Mo guan Shan.. stay here okay?"
"Hm? Why?"
"I won't be long"
Guan Shan sat on the bench and winced a bit as the bruise on his shoulder began to hurt.
He hated feeling so petty and weak...
The Male then saw she li which Mo then warned He tian.
"Wait! He's got a knife.. he tian. Don't.. please!"
Guan Shan stood up. He tian walked back and pulled the shorter Male closer. He smiled as he pulled him towards himself.
He tian gently kissed guan Shan's bloody lips, the street light above them making it feel like they were in a spot light which made guan Shan melt into it. He tian sat his little mo back down.
"I'll be fine, trust me"
And with those last words he tian ran to she li.. leaving a flustered Red head on his own..
"Fuck... just don't die idiot" he mumbled to himself as he leaned back. Wincing a little from the deep cut and bruises. He touched his lips and smiled~

"She li!" He tian shouted as he walked up closer towards him.
"You fucker.." he growled cracking his knuckles as he grabbed the others shirt collar and roughly tackled him up against the wall.
"Whats your fucking problem? Huh?" He demanded answers.
"Tsk, oh he tian.. you've always been my fucking problem.. I hate people like you the most" she li swung his pocket knife to he tian but the ravenette dodged, mainly thanks to guan Shan's warning.
He punched she li down and pinned him to the floor.
"Don't get cocky. If I see you with mo guan Shan again I won't go so easy on you.."
He tian punched the other a few more times until he was satisfied.
"Take this as a warning. Don't show your face around him again.. am I clear?"
He questioned as he pulled his head up by his hair.
"I said, am I clear!?" He asked once more but tugging on the others hair even tighter.
"Fuck.. yes...fine.." he finally gave in and dropped on the floor.
"Good" he grinned and left she li lying on the ground.
He tian brushed his hands together and exhaled. He quickly ran to check up on mo. He saw him fidgeting with his hands, looking paranoid.
"Were you worried for me?" He asked teasingly as guan Shan stood up and approached he tian.
"Did he... hurt you?" He asked looking away. Knowing that he would never act this way around he tian but tonight was different.
He tian raised his hands and cupped Mo's cheeks. He smiled but frowned soon after at the marks he left on his face.
"I'm okay.. but.." he lowered his hand to touch guan Shan's cut but it only made the other flinch into he tian's other hand.
"I'll be fine..."
he thought about the kiss earlier which flustered the red head. He tian soon caught on and grinned once more.
"W-What did you do to that fucker anyway?"
"Hmm, let's just say. He won't be bothering you. Unless he's got a death wish"
Guan Shan breathed out a chuckle and exhaled.
He was exhausted because of everything that happened today.
"Oh shit.. what time is it? I've gotta get home." He stumbled into he tians grasp and groaned into his chest.
"Oooh no. You aren't going anywhere in this state. Let me take care of you. Little mo~"
Guan Shan blushed but gave in. He nodded and closed his eyes.
"Hmm.. Here get on my back."
"Come on I insist. You might fall in my embrace again... On second thought~"
"Fine fine!" He frowned and climbed on the other. He wrapped his arms around he Tian's chest and legs around his waist and pushed his head beside His ravenettes.
"You ready?"
"Always~" he muttered as he closed his eyes and slept on he Tian's back for the whole ride home.
Ooo 1893 words!
I actually enjoyed writing this one, but it did take a while so I hope you enjoyed it too XD
I might write a part two for when he tian cleans up guan Shan's wounds. I may even write a bit of smut in it if you guys like 😂😉

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