Midnight rain

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"This... is a fucking stupid idea.." Mo GuanShan started.
School ended for the week and so did their exams so the boys decided to celebrate by drinking at an abandoned park.
"If you're scared you can hold onto me little mo" He tian teased, exposing his wide grin which seemed to always be plastered onto his handsome face.
"Of course not! Fucker.."
"Are we almost there? We've been walking for hourssssss" Jian yi groaned. He grabbed a stick and begun to hit it violently through the cold air.
"Jian yi... we've been walking for 5 minutes" Zhan stated.
"Just around this corner... I think" he tian removed his arm from around mo's shoulders so he could get better access of moving the branches in front of them, he lifted them high enough so guan Shan could walk through without getting hit or most likely stung.
Once the boys arrived they were greeted with a large abandoned park, vines and roots were twisted around the enclosed gate which read 'CLOSED' handwritten in red, bold writing.
One by one the boys climbed over the rusted metal gate, helping each other to reach the top as they leaped over to the other side creating a loud splash caused by the small puddles underneath.
"Woahh, this is kinda terrifying" Jian yi muttered, holding onto Zhan's arm.
Mo cleared his throat, glancing at the withered swings and climbing frames which almost left a chill down his spine, the fact kids used to play here just seemed so frightening.
"Who decided we go here of all places? A fucking abandoned park?" Guan Shan frowned,
Crossing his arms.
"Because it's nearly Halloween!" Jian yi joyfully explained.
"What? That's a month a way you b-"
"Woah look, I swear that swing just moved" he tian interrupted, whispering into guan Shan's ear with a hidden grin.
"It's just.. the wind, right?"
"Doubt it, the winds not that heavy tonight" he blew lightly on the back of his neck, Causing him to silently gasp.
"Don't... Don't fucking say that!"
He tian hummed, satisfied with guan Shan's reactions. He couldn't help but smile, he seemed so nervous about this place. Maybe this was his chance to get closer with his little red ball of fluff.
Guan Shan hesitated before sitting on the swing, he swung a bit creating a loud squeaky sound since no one has occupied this park In years. Everything became so rusty.. so old.
The roundabout could barely turn as the vines held it tightly in place so Jian yi simply sat on the handles.
Zhan stood beside the rotting bench, not wanting to touch it at all and he Tian stayed with mo, burying his head in the crook of his warm nape.
"Sooo he Tian what drinks Did you bring?" Jian yi asked
He tian dropped his expensive looking bag in front of the boys and out came many cans of different brands of alcohol,
"Geez, how much did you bring"
"A lot" he hummed into guan Shan's nape, making him blush slightly.
"Fuck off will you?!"
Jian yi threw a still cold can to each of them, and the first to down it all first was of course Jian yi himself
"Holy sh- Jian yi slow down you idiot..." Zhan took a few steps closer so he was standing beside Jian yi.
Guan Shan opened his and took a few gulps, ignoring the others apart from he tian who was still nibbling his ear.
"Oiii! Do you not know what personal fucking space is? Get the fuck off!"

this continued for 30 minutes or so, guan Shan and Jian yi were already wasted from a load of cans.
The boys split up for some time, Jian yi walked away somewhere in a very drunk state so Zhan followed him, leaving he tian and Guanshan at the park alone ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"You k- *hic* know what! You're a fffucking pervert, tian..."
Guan Shan remarked. He pushed his ravenette back by his chest only to fall back into his arms.
"Oh yeah you've said a few times little guan Shan" he tian chuckled, the black haired demon held guan Shan up for support.
"Come on why don't we get going, it looks like it's going to rain soon?"
"Noo.. lets stay l-longerrr" guan Shan murmured, falling on he Tian's firm chest, he wouldn't keep his hands off the ravenette which he tian found adorable... and it of course turned him on.

"Xi Xiiiii let me kiss youu" Jian yi groaned, stumbling all over the place.
"Jian yi how are you this drunk? We've been here 35 minutes.. Ay! Stop you idiot..." Zhan slightly blushed,
He tried pushing the other back but he only held on tighter,
"Gah what am I gunna do with you Hm?"
Xi exhaled through a smile.

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