Sick day

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"Guan Shan, wake up you'll be late if you don't hurry. Oh and also, I won't be back until tomorrow night so take care.
Mo guan Shan's mother explained as she was just getting ready to leave.
"Yeah.. I'll be fine, see you tomorrow ma"
The front door closed shut and Mo was still half asleep. He groaned as he forced himself to get out of bed..
He woke up with a splitting headache which made the thought of going to school even worse..
however he didn't have a choice. He didn't want his mum to know about his fever since he didn't want her to worry as she already has a lot going on right now.
After having a warm shower guan Shan got dressed and left.
Guan Shan arrived at the already closed gates since he was 30 minutes late due to over sleeping.
He stood in front of them, procrastinating wether to go in or not..
he already felt like absolute shit..
"Fuuuck.." "little mo? Why are you so late?" The voice behind him instantly startled guan Shan,
"b-bastard He tian.. you scared me! Why aren't you in class?"
"I was waiting for you.."
guan Shan blushed and took a step back as he tian threw away the burnt out cigarette he was once smoking.
"You coming or not?"
"Class of course, or were you thinking of bunking? I watched you standing here for 3 minutes or so"
the ravenette grinned and rested his arm behind Mo's shoulders.
"Fuck it.. I ain't in the mood to be doing this" Guan Shan frowned and glanced up at he tian.
"My place, little Mo?" "Yeah..." Guan Shan rubbed his forehead and walked with he tian to his apartment.
He tian knew that there was something obviously wrong with Mo Guan Shan.
It was quite unusual for him to agree so quickly and he did look quite pale along with that.
The walk to He's apartment was long and as they walked, He tian made sure to keep an eye for Mo.
"Guan Shan, you okay? You're looking so pale?" "It's nothing.. Bastard"
He tian frowned, Mo sounded so unenthusiastic unlike how he usually is.
The two stepped inside the elevator and pressed onto the floor they were headed to.
Guan Shan stood there in front of he tian not saying anything
His fever was only getting worse by the moment.
The elevator doors opened however Mo was completely unaware since he was so lost in thought.
"Little mo... Guan Shan!"
Mo jumped and stumbled onto He Tian's chest, his heavy breathing made his vision go a bit blurry.
"Eh.. don't speak so loud" mo groaned, still leaning in He tians chest for support.
When they approached He's home Guan Shan immediately went to the kitchen to get some water. "It's so hot..." he mumbled as he chugged the water bottle down in seconds.
He tian frowned and approached Mo.
He placed his palm on Guan Shan's forehead and noticed that his temperature was as high as the roof.
"Holy shit Mo, you're sick? Why didn't you say?"
"Fuck off... I don't... want you're hospitality.. I can take care of... m-y.. self..."
Guan Shan's vision was completely blurry and he could feel his legs given out. He passed out but luckily He tian managed to catch him in time.
"Damn it, Mo..." He tian carried Guan Shan, bridal style, to his bed and grabbed a cold, damp towel and placed it on his Little Mo's Forehead.
He then got a glass of water and placed it on his bed side table for when Guan Shan wakes up.
He tian lied beside his sleeping beauty and kept an eye on him throughout the evening.
He was already quite tired however he refused to fall asleep, he needed to keep an eye on Guan Shan just incase anything happened to him.
"Hmm... He.. Tian" guan Shan groaned as he rubbed his temples gently and sat up. He glanced over to the bed-side table beside him at took a few gulps of water from the glass in which he assumed he tian left for him.
The wet towel fell into his hands as he stared at it for a few seconds. He was so confused until he remembered that he passed out.
"Fuck..." the Male mumbled.
"Guan Shan?" "F-fuck H-he tian!?" Mo gasped as he moved back away from the ravenette.
"You scared me.."
"How are you feeling?" He tian questioned as he placed his larger hands on Guan Shan's forehead.
Mo blushed hard as he tian got closer but he didn't attempt to back away.
"I.. I'm feeling better.. thanks to you" he looked away and sighed as his cheeks only got redder.
"What time is it?"
"3:52" He tian grinned and sat in front of Mo.
"T-thanks..." he mumbled, without keeping eye contact.
"It's alright but.. just tell me next time" he smiled and lifted mo's chin up so he was facing Him.
He Tian grinned once more and let out a sigh of relief. "You scared me.. you were acting so different earlier. I'm just glad you're okay!"
Guan Shan bit his bottom lip gently and wrapped his arms slowly around He Tian's neck.
"Well.. it's thanks to you." Mo chuckled quietly and held He tian a little tighter.
The warmth of his ravenette made him feel so comfortable. Mo was so lost in thought that he soon fell asleep in He tians Grasp.
He tian hugged back and laid the two down on his bed.
"'Night little mo" he tian only got a groan in response but that was all he needed to know that his Momo was safe in his arms.
//962 words//
follow my Instagram > @kai.rp.acc


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