You owe me (angst!!)

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"Mo guan Shan"
that voice.. it was so spine chilling. He didn't have to face that bastard in order to know who it was..
"What.. she li?" Guan Shan stated, turning around only to be face to face with she li, their faces were only inches apart causing him to take an immediate step back.
It was late.. Mo was simply on his way home and he just had to bump into she li..
"I need you to do something for me" 
"..I'm busy" mo replied, of course it was a lie.. he didn't want anything to do with him
"Don't Fucking LIE.. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you" the white demon smiled widely.

"You owe me"

Mo hated it... in fact he despised knowing that all this time he did as she li wished like a fucking dog.. a toy.. only because he said the same sentence.. over and over again
"I'm fucking SICK of you repeating that!
I don't owe you fuck all" he growled, finally letting all his anger out, he been wanting to say that for a long time.
"You don't have a FUCKING CHOICE" she li grinned before snapping his fingers

Suddenly about 6 or so other people revealed their hidden selves from out of the dark alley directly behind them.
Two of them grabbed mo harshly and pulled him into the dark abyss. He squirmed trying to break free but it was completely useless, these guys were far stronger than him..
"Fuck! You're f-fucking crazy..." he unintentionally stuttered.. however he was surprised that he managed to proceed with this confident act..
"Crazy? Say that again.. I dare you" he growled back, taking something out of his back pocket which seemed to be a... a FUCKING GUN?
Mo was stunned, he didn't take his eyes off the weapon, he refused to
"Where the fuck did you get A GUN? Crazy bastard!" He stuttered again, mo was very nervous
She li didn't respond. Instead he spun his revolver around his finger, teasingly pointing it at Guanshans temple.
"I want you.. and I know for a fact you won't follow me so I have no choice but to take you by force, if that's alright with you?" he chuckled maniacally,
She li smacked his gun hard on Guanshans head, instantly knocking the redhead out.
"I told you to shut the fuck up, no?"


"Ohh fuck..." mo muttered. His head was throbbing and his vision was a complete blur.
It took a couple minutes for him to adjust to the light. He was in a dimly lit room, the only source of light being the ceiling which shon down directly above him.
"Where.. am I?"
Mo couldn't move his arms, they were tied up tightly by a chain which was also tied up to the back of the bed frame.
His clothes were bloodied you and the bed was as stiff as a board.
He soon realised he was in someone's bedroom, but who's?

"Finally you're awake" a cold voice emerged from out of the shadows.
"She li..." mo muttered, of course it was this evil bastards doing.. but why?
His mind finally cleared up, he refused to do as she li demanded and now he's here...
"Where am I?" Mo scoffed, he tried breaking free of the chain but it was too tight.
"Attitude, guan Shan.. if I have to warn you again, I'll punish you" she li chuckled, dangling his gun recklessly around his hands.
"Don't tell me you've forgotten this place.."
Mo could see that she li was beginning to get frustrated, he looked around and in seconds he recognised where he was.
She li's bedroom

"Fuck.. Why did you bring me here?"
"Well, mo guan Shan.. if you really want to know, I simply want to watch you suffer"
Guanshan scoffed,
"Fuck you!! You're crazy!!"
She li frowned, he pressed his gun hard on mo's leg
"You brought this on yourself, I told you not to call me that" he grinned and tilted his head,
"N-no! Fucking stop!!"
He stared straight into Guanshans eyes, ignoring his begging..

he pulled the trigger, without hesitation

The deafening noise felt like it could've been heard for miles..
however his screams were louder.
Mo flinched as he felt the bullet tear through his skin,
He dug his face into the side of his pillow, avoiding eye contact with the wound.
It made him feel sick to his stomach, even the sight made him want to throw up.
"Hopefully you've learned your lesson, do you understand?"
Mo responded with an agonising groan.
"If you're good, I'll remove the chain, and if not.. I'll shoot the other" he laughed, pressing down on his wound.
It made him scream louder.. more in pain this time.
He exited the room, taking one look back before he locked the door tight.
"Fuck.... fuck...." he groaned, he couldn't move his leg, he didn't want to in fear of losing too much blood.
Mo panicked, he didn't know what to do..
She li wants to seem him suffer? What fucking enjoyment does he get out of that??

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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