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"Alright you two, since I'm feeling generous I'll let you guys go early. under one condition; I don't want to see either one of you in this room after school hours for detention again, got it?" Mrs. Bennett said.

"Deal," Cash said. We both packed up our stuff and I followed Cash out the door. "Now, let's go to my spot," Cash said, taking my hand. I pulled away and Cash looked shocked.

"I don't think I should," I said, rubbing my arm with my other hand.

"But I made the basket! Please, Carter," Cash pleaded. I hesitated and thought about last year.

"Fine. Half an hour 'cause I need to be home soon and I'm setting a timer," I said, pulling out my phone. Cash rolled his eyes but smiled.

"What about my car?" I asked, gesturing to my car in the parking lot.

"I'll drop you back off here, at school after. Now, hop in," Cash said. I got into Cash's car that smelt a lot like him, it was comforting and he took off down the road. Since it was late afternoon in September, the sun was starting to set. He pulled into a parking lot and I smelt the ocean.

"Oh, you actually brought me to a boardwalk by the beach. I thought you were joking," I said. Cash broke out into laughter and I couldn't help but join him out of embarrassment.

"Well, yeah. I'm full of surprises," He said. "Except I don't usually play the games. Arcades are boring if you're alone. I come here to sit on a bench and contemplate my life choices."

"That's actually really cool that you have a spot like that," I said. I felt a little vulnerable and I think Cash did too. I followed Cash up to the boardwalk and we walked along the wood to benches overlooking the ocean. We sat down and watched the sunset, slowly and listened to the waves crash.

"So, why'd we come here?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Because, Carter, I wanted to just talk to you, like how it used to be," Cash said.

"Cash, that was last year and a lot happened over the summer. You were different and I had to get over you. Don't get me wrong, but I miss the old Cash," I said, running a hand through my hair.

"Me too," Cash mumbled. "Wait, did you say you spent the summer getting over me?" He asked. Just then, my alarm went off and I jumped up.

"We should go," I said to Cash. He nodded and we got back in the car to head back to school. He pulled in the school parking lot and I got out of his car. He rolled down the window as I started to walk away.

"Hey, Carter?" Cash called and I turned around.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked, putting my hands in my sweatshirt pocket.

"I'm not over you either," he said. I stood there and took in what he had just said as he rolled up the window and sped down the road. And as I was getting into my car, all the feelings and memories came back.

Every. Single. One.


When I got back to the apartment, my mom was sitting at the table eating dinner.

"How nice of you to join me," she said, clearly aggravated.

"I told you I was coming home late," I responded, walking down the hall to my room. I slammed the door shut and sighed, tossing my backpack to the ground and headed into the bathroom. I turned on the shower water and undressed, stepping in and let the steaming water fall down my back. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

Did Cash really mean what he said?

I turned the water off when I was done and grabbed a towel. I wrapped the towel around me and stood in front of the mirror, wiping away the condensation that was layered. I stared at myself and brushed out my hair. When I was done, I went back to my room and put pajamas on. I went to bed and found it funny how those five words said by someone can bring back so many feelings.


The next morning I decided I was going to confront Cash about what he said. I woke up, got dressed, this time wearing a crop top that showed just below my belly button, somewhat high waist jeans, and of course my white converse. I headed down the hall and my mom was making pancakes.

"Good morning, sweetie," she said with a smile. This is normally how our fights worked. My mom isn't really the type to say 'sorry' the next morning after arguing with me. She just acts like nothing happened the night before. Me on the other hand, I'm one to hold a grudge. But, only on the inside. I'll never show my mom how much her acting like we never fought makes me angry.

"Morning," was all I said, sitting at the table. She slid me a plate with three pancakes on it.

"Is that what you're wearing to school?" She asked, looking me up and down.

"Yes, it is. I heard it was going to be hot today," I said.

Of course it's going to be hot, we live in LA. I just needed a quick comeback. I'm not good at those.

I quickly ate and grabbed my car keys.

"I gotta go to school early," I said.

"What for?" She asked.

To confront my ex-boyfriend to see if he really meant it when he said he's not over me either.

"To tutor the freshmen," I blurted out.

"I didn't know you did that. That's really nice of you to take time out of your morning to help them," My mom said and I cringed.

If only I was THAT nice.


When I pulled into the parking lot, I instantly saw Cash's car.

So, he's early to school in the morning but can't get to the actual class early?

I walked into school and saw him by the stairs with his friends.

Why does he have to be with his friends? Why can't he be alone?

I rolled my eyes.

Here goes nothing.

I approached Cash and his friends as they were all laughing.

"I need to talk to you," I demanded to Cash. The laughter died down and most of his friends looked at me started whispering to each other.

"Can it wait until later?" Cash asked.

"Oh, Cash are you getting back together with your girlfriend?" One of Cash's friends snickered. I know this boy, his name is Josh. I don't particularly like him and when I used to be friends with him, because I was dating Cash, he would always make jokes about us that weren't funny.

"Guys, chill. Bros before hoes," Cash said. Some of his friends "oohed" and the rest just laughed again.

Why did they laugh? I'll never understand the male brain.

"I'm a hoe? Is that what you thought yesterday?" I asked, crossing my arms. Cash's friends got quiet and started whispering.

The damn whispering I swear to God.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about," Cash stuttered. "Carter, can we talk about this later?"

"Fine. During lunch. Just you and me," I said, taking a last look around at all his friends. I walked away towards my locker. I opened it, put a few notebooks inside, and slammed it shut.

"That was aggressive," Cailee said, walking over to me. "What happened?"

"Cash told me he wasn't over me yesterday. And today when I tried to confront him around all his friends, he completely dissed me," I explained.

"Oh, Carter, you know boys are an entirely different species around their friends," She said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I know," I sighed, leaning into Cailee. "I just want things the way they used to be."

"Me too, babe," Cailee and I started to walk down the hall. "Me too."

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now