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I took Cash's hand and he led us to the dance floor where a slow song was playing. I placed one of my hands on his shoulder, one of his hands gently placing itself on my waist as our other hands interlock.

"Why is our relationship like this?" Cash asked, swaying us side to side.

"Like what?" I looked at him quizzingly and he chuckled.

"Our relationship is so difficult, why?" Cash asked and I sighed, looking up at him. The sun was setting and there were little lights strung around illumination the place.

"Because easy is boring," Cash softly laughed and let go of my waist, spinning me around before pulling me close to him.

"Well, I don't expect you to remember the phone call we had two months ago but-"

"I remember," Cash interrupted. When I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, Cash continued. "The phone call we had when I was drunk? You said Mav was over? I remember it all."

"All of it?" I asked hesitantly.

"All of it," Cash confirmed.

"Did you mean what you said at the end?" I asked. Cash let go of my hand, brushing a stray piece of my hair behind my ear before letting both hands settle on my waist. I brought my hands to Cash's neck and watched his eyes search my face.

"I did," he whispered, his head coming closer to mine. "I said I love you, right?" I nodded. "I do, Carter, I love you. I always have, it never went away."

"Oh," I smiled, playing with the hair at the back of Cash's head. He raised an eyebrow, pulling slightly away.

"Oh?" He asked and my eyes widened.

"No! I mean- I- I love you too," I bit my lip to stop myself from rambling on and Cash seemed to find it hilarious. "I always have. Well, there were some times when I thought I didn't but I did I never stopped and-"

Cash cut me off with a kiss and I melted. He pulled me impossibly closer to him and I giggled. He pressed two quick kisses to my lips before pulling away. The slow song ended and a more upbeat one started to play. Cash took both my hands in his and spun me around, a smile on both of our faces.

"Can we sit down? I'm kind of sweaty," Cash asked and I nodded with a laugh. We sat at one of the circular tables where Sam and Josh were.

"I'm so single," I heard Josh say from the side. I looked over and saw him fake wiping tears under his eyes.

"What the hell? Does Sosh mean nothing to you?" Sam dramatically asked which caused Josh to look at him in disbelief.

"It'll mean something when you look at me like that, bro," Josh gestured to Cash and I. I looked at Cash who seemed to already be looking at me. I cupped his cheek and pressed my lips to his head, making a slight blush appear on his cheeks.

"Come here, Josh let's go slow dance," Sam held out his hand but Jsoh just pushed it away.

"You missed your chance, man," Josh sipped his water and I leaned back in my chair, very entertained by this. "Mychael wouldn't treat me like this," Josh sighed and Sam groaned.

"Mychael puts on his shoes before his socks you really want to go there?" Sam asked and we all laughed. Cailee and Mav sat down at the table, breathing heavily.

"We went hard on the dance floor," Mav bragged and Cailee rolled her eyes.

"Someone didn't want to sit down and insisted on dancing more," Cailee pursed her lips and Mav held his hands up in defense. "Now I have blisters," Cailee whined, slipping her shoes off and letting them fall under the table.

"Let's get out of here," Cash whispered in my ear and I turned to him.

"Cash, I can't leave it's my mom's wedding," I told him but he stood up anyways.

"Not actually leave, silly," he took my hand and led me into the large house. "I saw a balcony up here when I was getting ready," Cash and I walked up the stairs, Cash taking control and leading me to the end of the long hallway where a double door lay.

We stood on the large balcony, looking over the backyard. I watched everyone having fun, even Sam had gotten Josh out of his chair and onto the dance floor. I laughed at the scene as Cash untied his tie from around his neck.


I don't remember ever falling asleep last night but I woke up laying on top of Cash. I was wearing his dress shirt from last night and he was in nothing but boxers. I sat up, straddling his waist. As I went to get off of him, his hands shot out to grip my hips, keeping me in place.

"Going somewhere?" His eyes were still closed and his voice was raspy, making my heart skip a beat.

"Just over there," he peaked his eyes open as I gestured to the spot on the bed next to him.

"But I like you right here," Cash whined and I smiled softly.

"I'll stay here then I guess," I mumbled, tracing circles on Cashs chest. He closed his eyes again and I was sure he had fallen back asleep until he spoke up.

"You know what's crazy?" Cash asked, rubbing circles into the skin on my waist.

"What's crazy?" I asked.

"That this all started with a detention," Cash mumbled and I nodded. It was crazy that everything that had ever happened in my life had led to laying here with Cash right now.

And looking back at it all, I wouldn't change a single thing.

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now