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When I woke up, Cash was no longer under me on the couch but instead, he was groaning on the floor below me.

"How does one even end up in this position?" I asked, getting up and holding a hand out for Cash to take. He groaned again, rubbing his eyelids and taking my hand to stand up.

"You pushed me off the couch in the middle of the night," Cash whined and I raised my eyebrows.

"There's no way I did that!"

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too," just when I was about to respond, Cash held his palm in front of my face. "I am not having this conversation right now, Ms. Evan's."

"If you fell, why didn't you just get back on the couch?" I asked, crossing my arms. I followed Cash into the kitchen where he pulled out a box of cereal.

"Because," he shrugged, "you looked comfy," I smiled and watched Cash pour a bowl of cereal for each of us.

"It's Thanksgiving," I mentioned, taking a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

"Very observant, Carter," Cash raised his eyebrows and looked around the room, "and that, over there is a lamp, and that's a couch-"

"You're so frustrating to be around sometimes," I laughed and watched as milk dripped down Cash's chin.

"What shall we do today?" Cash asked, wiping the milk off his chin with his arm.

"Go back to bed," I yawned, setting my bowl in the sink. I wasn't that hungry to be honest, but I ate all the cereal regardless.

"No, we are not going back to bed," Cash placed his bowl in the sink and grabbed my hand, bringing me upstairs. "Today is Thanksgiving and we are going to do things."

"What kind of things?"


"What kind of stuff?"


"Remember how I said you're frustrating sometimes?" I asked and Cash nodded. "This is one of those times."

"Okay, sorry I just didn't think that far yet," Cash shrugged off his sweatpants and replaced them with black jeans. He tugged a sweatshirt over his head before handing me one to wear. I slipped on leggings and the sweatshirt before Cash walked over to me.

"Carter?" Cash asked and I mumbled a "hm?" As he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. "I'm very thankful for you," he muttered against my neck. I placed my hands on his cheeks when he pulled away from my neck and placed a soft kiss to his cheek.

"I'm thankful for you too," I watched Cash's face turn red as mine probably did as well. "Let's just go for a walk around and see where we end up," I suggested and Cash seemed pretty fond of the idea since he laced his fingers with mine as we headed out the door.

"I never even noticed that was there," Cash pointed to a small cafe on the corner of the street.

"Really? My mom and I would go there all the time," I laughed, remembering all the times I would meet my mom their after school. "I would order a vanilla cakepop and she would get her usual coffee order.

"Let's check it out," Cash and I walked inside the cafe, the bell above the door jingling as Cash held open the door.

"This place hasn't changed a bit," I looked around the small shop, looking at the string of fairy lights going back and forth across the ceiling.

I looked back at Cash who was staring at me, a small smile on his lips. "What?" I asked, taking a bite of my vanilla cake pop.

"Carter, you're so pretty," his words warmed my heart and I could listen I him say those words over and over again.

"I'm not going to mess this up again," Cash's hand took mine on the table and I knew he was talking about us.

He might not mess it up, but I might.


i'm so sorry this chapter's like a filler and we're going really fast like it's already pretend thanksgiving sorry

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now