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Right before lunch I saw Cash leaning against the wall outside the cafeteria.

"Hey, Cash. Let's go," I said, starting to walk into the cafeteria.

"Not so fast," He replied, grabbing my wrist.

"I thought we were going to talk," I whined.

"We are. Just, not here. Let's go out to eat. My treat, I mean, I owe you one since I was kind of a dick to you in front of my friends," Cash offered.

"You mean like, skip school? I've never done that before and it sounds like a recipe for suspension," I cautioned.

"It's lunch. They don't take attendance and there's a lot of people in that cafeteria. I don't think they'd even notice if two were gone. Plus, I've skipped before and I know a side entrance to get in and out without being noticed," Cash reminded me.

I shouldn't do this. One wrong move and I'm caught.

Next thing I knew I was following Cash out the side entrance and to his car.

"So where are we even going to lunch?" I asked Cash as we got in the car.

"Subway," He answered, starting his car. He started to drive and I felt the wind on my face.

Subway. Another word that can bring back so many memories.

Cash parked at Subway and we walked inside to stand in line.

"Remember this place?" He asked, looking around.

"How could I forget? It was our ideal date spot. Hungry after a movie date? Go to Subway. Bad day at school? Eat our feelings at Subway. We had a fight? Makeup at Subway." I said and we both laughed. "To tell the truth, I haven't been here since we broke up." I added.

"Me neither," Cash said. We saw a cop nearby, eyeing us. He walked over with his hands in his pockets.

"Shouldn't you two be in school right now?" He asked, looking us up and down. I hid behind Cash and he laced his fingers with mine.

"Actually, officer, we're in our first year of college and I just proposed," Cash said with a huge smile. My eyes widened and I hid my left hand in my pocket, hoping the cop wouldn't ask to see the ring.

"Is that so?" The cop said, still suspicious.

"Yes sir. I know it seems weird to do it in a Subway but it's where we met and my parents got engaged at a young age so I wanted to do them proud," Cash added.

Damn he has a whole novel ready to tell this guy.

"My apologies, you two just look so young," The officer said, scratching his forehead.

"Good genes I guess," I blurted.

Damn why did I have to sound salty?

"Well, congratulations," He said, shaking Cash's hand. The cop headed for the door and Cash turned to me.

"You do well under pressure," Cash said, changing the subject.

"I can't compare to you though. It's like you had our whole future planned out," I said, laughing.

"Yeah.." Cash trailed off and forced a laugh. We ordered our food and sat down to eat.

"Alright, start talking. We came here to eat and talk and we haven't done much talking," I said, taking a bite of my sub.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I got all flustered in front of my friends. You remember how they acted last time we were together," Cash said.

"Immature? Yeah, I remember. But, Cash we aren't 'together'," I said, putting air quotes around 'together'.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," He said.

"Then what's the real reason? Are you embarrassed cause we've been...talking?" I didn't know what to call Cash and me. We weren't dating, he wasn't my boyfriend.

Oh my God. Does he think this is a date?  Alright, if this is a date then so be it. Cash said he isn't over me and I'm not over him either. Who cares if this is a date?

"So what's the real reason you called me a hoe earlier?" I asked again.

"Carter, you know I didn't mean it. My friends just think of me as a badass since the summer who doesn't care about sipping class or getting in trouble. But when I'm around you, I want to be who I was, like I told you, you make me a better person," Cash spit out, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I get it. You want to change who you are, but no matter what type of person you are, there will always be people who disagree," I said.

"Exactly! See, Carter, you get me," Cash said.

Oh, boy.

"Then, why do you care what your friends think? Why can't you just be who YOU want? Not them," I tried to convince him.

"Because, Carter, it's not that easy!" He called out, throwing his hands in the air. When his hands fell to the table, they landed on mine. My mouth opened slightly and Cash looked back and forth between my eyes and my lips.

Was he leaning in? Am I leaning in? Are we really doing this right now?

Just then, my phone rang and we jumped back. It was Cailee and I answered it quickly.

"Heeeeey," I said.

"Where are you?" She asked me.

"It's kind of a long story but I'm with Cash... at Subway," I said, biting my nail.

"Subway? Right now? With Cash? I want to hear all about that later but for now, you have to get back to school. Lunch ends in five minutes," Cailee said before hanging up.

"We have to go, Cash," I said, wrapping up my trash and throwing it away. We got in the car and my leg was bouncing the whole time Cash was driving back to school.

"Carter, relax. I will get you to class on time," Cash said. He placed his hand on my thigh and it sent a rush throw my whole body. Cash pulled his car around the side of the building where the side door was. Cash slowly opened the door and the halls were empty.

"See, Cash! Now we're late!" I said, smacking my forehead.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Cash said. As if on cue, the bell rang and students started filing out from the cafeteria.

"Told you," He said, winking. I lightly smacked his arm and pulled my backpack over my shoulders. Without even thinking, I got on my tiptoes and kissed Cash's cheek. He turned red as I pulled away.

"Thanks for lunch," I said and walked away. I didn't dare to turn around once I walked away. I knew he was watching me, like always.

At the end of the day, I waited outside for Cailee but Cash ran up to me instead.

"Hey," I said and I instantly started blushing.

Get it together, Carter.

"Hey. I had a great time at Subway and I was wondering if you wanted to come over? My parents won't be home," Cash said, winking. I slapped his arm and laughed.

"No, sorry Cash but I have a vocab quiz in ELA tomorrow and I have to study," I said.

That and it's probably not a good idea to go over his house in general.

"Please! Don't make me get on my knees and beg! Although later you can get on your knees," He said, smirking.

"Cash! No!" I said and started to walk towards my car.

"Okay, I was joking Carter, you know I was. Just think about it," He said, before walking away.

I know I shouldn't go but I wanted to so badly.

I got in my car and texted my mom telling her I was going over Cailee's.

This lying thing is getting easier.


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It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now