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It had been a week and I hadn't ran into my mother once. I knew her work schedule so I would sneak in and grab extra clothes and head back to Cash's before she got home. But, I knew that eventually I had to face her and that's what I'm doing now.

"I'll see you at school?" Cash asked as he dropped me off in front of the apartment building. I nodded, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek and watching him pull out of the parking lot and off to school.

I headed up to the apartment and I felt confident until I actually stepped up to the door. I unlocked the door and was met with my mother on the other side, folding laundry in the living room.

"Carter, up so early, are you ready to apologize?" My mother asked, folding a pair of sweatpants that most definitely weren't hers and were too big to be mine.

Be the bigger person.

"I'm-" I was about to finish my sentence when a familiar man stepped into view from down the hall. He wore khaki pants and a white button down shirt.

Be the bigger person.

Big the bigger person.

Don't snap. Stay calm.

Standing in front of me was no other than, "Mr. Richards," I smiled and he mirror my actions. "Nice to see you after all these years."

"Nice to see you too, Carter, you've gotten so tall," his deep voice spoke. It wasn't uncomfortable to have Mr. Richards in my house, he was a nice man but it was just a big strange since the situation that had happened between our families.

"Hope Josh's been treating you well," Mr. Richards brought up his son's name and something inside me almost snapped.

"He's doing very well, but you should know that since he's your son," I watched as Mr. Richards sat on the couch next to my mom.

"We don't really get to talk one on one since I'm always," Mr. Richards gestured to my mother who was pairing socks, "busy."

"I see," I pursed my lips. "That makes sense. Did you move in while I was gone?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the folded men's clothes sitting in the laundry basket.

"I don't know, did you move into your boyfriend's house?" My mother remarked sarcastically and I almost had to laugh.

"I don't know, does a bear shit in the woods?" I asked, watching as my mother's eyebrows raised, pushing her hairline back.

"Carter Evan's, you will not use that language in this house," my mother scolded, standing up with the laundry basket. Mr. Richards stood up after her and I watched as he placed a hand on the small of her back.

"Carter, listen to your mother," Mr. Richard's spoke.

Did I hear that correctly? I don't think I did, but I might've.

"No," I shook my head. "You don't get to tell me that I should listen to my mother. I am trying to respect that you two are together so don't push it, Mr. Richards," I stalked off to my room, quickly changing into black jeans and one of Cash's shirts and heading right out the door to my car.

"Oh God, what happened?" Cailee spoke as I headed over to her locker. My hair was kept up in a bun on the top of my head and my eyes were slightly puffy from trying not to cry on the car ride to school.

"Mr. Richards happened," I rolled my eyes and Cailee sent me a sympathetic look. "He practically lives at my house now and from now on it's going to be them versus me," I leant my back against the locker and Cailee stood in front of me.

"Did you be the bigger person?" Cailee asked and I nodded. "Good. Don't give them any reason to go up against you. As long as you're doing the decently right thing, they can't gang up on you."

Cailee's words made sense, as they always do.

"I'm headed over to Cash and Mav's later, he's throwing a party are you in?" Cailee asked and I quickly shook my head.

"Judging by how the last party went, I think I'll pass."

"Have you told Cash about what happened?" Cailee whispered and I shook my head again.

"No, I keep meaning to but it's never the right time," I took my haid out of the bun and ran a hand through it.

"It's never going to be the right time, Carter. I would tell him, but that's not fair to you," Cailee placed a hand on my shoulder and I sent her a sad smile.

"I know, this is my mess so I don't expect you to do anything about it," the bell rang, signaling first period was about to start so I waved bye to Cailee and tried to get through the day without thinking about the bad stuff.


another chapter that i didn't know how to end

It Started With a Detention ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now