You can tell me about it

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Female Byleth woke up and she saw a letter on Erdrick's desk, she picked it up and she read it and it said, "Dear Byleth chan, You fell asleep on my Shoulder so I carried you to my bed but this is gonna be weird but I was about to kiss you on the forehead, ITS NOT THAT I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU OR ANYTHING!!! baka... anyway Zelda came in and she fangirled and I ran out of my room and I closed my door slowly so you won't wake up, anyway if you wake up right now I hope we can be great friends, From Erdrick." Female Byleth said "Wow! I dint knew that Erdrick was a Tsundere! I like it when he blushes or started to well, be cute! Wait what am I saying!?" Female Byleth started to say nice things about Erdrick. Later on Erdrick had a little problem going on with Cloud , they started to yell at each other, Cloud said while Yelling at Erdrick, "You should be more careful while your walking!" Erdrick yelled back at him and said "YOU BUMPED INTO ME!!!" Cloud said back yelling at him "Well you should probably fix that hair of yours it looks messed up," he started to laugh, Erdrick said yelling at him loudly "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?!" Cloud said " it means you need to stop battling with me" Erdrick had lose his temper and said "YOU WANNA GO!? SPIKE!" Cloud said back "YES PINECONE!!!" Female Byleth and Daisy ran over and said, "Break it up!" Daisy said while grabbing Cloud away from Erdrick. Female Byleth said to Erdrick "You wanna talk about it?" Erdrick said yelling at her "NO!" He ran to his room and slammed the door. Female Byleth was shocked she never seen this side of Erdrick before, She went to this door and knocked and said, "hey... it's me Byleth chan... can I come in?" Erdrick said to her while opening the door, "yes..." Female Byleth came inside and she closed the door and said to Erdrick, "What happend out there?" Erdrick said mad "I don't wanna talk about it..." Female Byleth held Erdrick's hands and said "You can tell me anything Erdrick, I am your friend so you can tell me anything. Erdrick blushed pink and said "o-okay fine I will tell you..." Erdrick said to Female Byleth "I was about to go to my room to finish my homework then Cloud bumped into me, at first he didn't care then I said "you dint say sorry for bumping into you, then cloud said well i dint see you dork, then that's were he started to piss me off" then that's were we started to yell at eachother, Erdrick said to Female Byleth, Female Byleth said to Erdrick "thank you for telling me but next time don't fight with other people okay?" Erdrick walked to Female Byleth he hugged her and said "thank you for talking to me it makes me feel better when I'm with you" Female Byleth said "what was that being around with me-" Erdrick stopped hugging her and said blushing "NOTHING it's nothing!" Female Byleth said "aww are you blushing?" Erdrick said still blushing "No! I am not! Baka! Baka! Baka! Bakaaa!!!" Female Byleth said "okay then!"
Later on Erdrick had a nightmare so he got off of his bed and he walked over to Female Byleth and whispered to her and tapped her shoulder and said "Byleth chan" Female Byleth said "hm?" Erdrick said " I had a nightmare can I.... sleep with you tonight?..." Female Byleth smiled and said "Sure!" She scooted over to the left side of her bed. Erdrick layed down on her bed, She looked at him while smiling and said "you don't wanna be alone right?" Erdrick said blushing "y-yeah..." Female Byleth hold Erdrick hand's and said to him "goodnight" then she fell asleep, Erdrick said "HUH?!" Female Byleth woke up and said " what's the matter?" Erdrick said blushing "umm... you hold my hand that's why I was surprised," female Byleth said, "you want to sleep here right?" Erdrick said "yeah... cuz I don't wanna be alone..." Female Byleth said "you can sleep with me if you feel lonely" Erdrick said " yeah..." Female Byleth said to him while holding his hand " your hands are very warm..." Erdrick's face turned red and said "t-thank you... yours too" Female Byleth blushed and said "thanks! Well goodnight!" She feel asleep and Erdrick said whispering "goodnight.... my love..." then he feel asleep

Well part 4 is coming out tmorrow! Goodnight everyone! Now my hands hurt while typing this! XD!!!

Bittersweet Love, Female Byleth x ErdrickWhere stories live. Discover now